<^^4^****Xx' / 6> ~ / 0 «• *Jf TOREK. Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths. Jer. vi. We shall study truthfulness, fitness, and plainness. 10. .No. 2.] APRIL, 1864. [Vol. I. .v LIVING PRIESTHOOD—ITS DUTIES. It is the boast of the Brighamite that he lives by a living priesthood, that is, he takes for his guide the council of living men who hold the priesthood. And whenever this council conflicts with the law, as written in the books, the ready answer is, " We have outgrown the books." "The full grown man cannot wear the little boy's g&v-wients." So the church cannot be confined to books, but, inste-^ are to be ruled and lead by a living priesthood. The Apostle Peter says, " Ye, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood." Por they had come unto the " Living stone." and partaken of that life. That stone was Christ the " Great High Priest," who testified that he came not to destroy the law but to fulfil it; that he spake and did as commanded of his Pather; and he said to those whom he had called and ordained to the priesthood, " Go, teach all nations to observe whatsoever I have commanded." But before they could go to perform the duties that pertained to their call¬ ing they were to wait for the endowment of the Spirit—the Holy Ghost, who was to guide them in the discharge of their duties ; by it they were to minister the word, and also the Spirit unto others. They are to teach the law of God ; and if they have not the Spirit, they shall not teach. Doctrine and Covenants, sec. 18, par. 5. They may ordain by the power of the Holy Ghost (Sec. 2, par. 12), and conduct all meetings as they are led by the Holy Ghost. Sec. 2, par. 9. Here then are the whole duties of the priesthood—(1.) to teach the law of God, and (2.) to administer the ordinances thereof. And they can do neither (acceptably), unless the Spirit had them. Hence the Holy Ghost is the life of