GEIBíAU "^ ©ra0 a (toirioneòb (Words of Orace and Truth). ^.____________;_____________—-■■ ;, j Y GRAS A*R GWIRIONEDD A DDAETH TRWY IESU GRIST. Ioan i, 17. : $QẄQÛ&\ Pwy sydd i'w feio? Cyngor i enaid pryderus. Y Gobaith gwynfydedig. Paham y'ch tràllodir? Croes Crist.' Ti ydwyt loches i nii. Coll^dig. Tywyllwch eithaf. CottUntr: Whoistoblamef—C. S."' Counsel toan anxious soul.--C.H,M. The blèssed Hope.—E. D. Whyareye troubled?—C. S. The Cross óf Christ.—J. JN. D. Thou art my hiding place. Lost. Outer darkness. PWLLHELI: RICHARD JONES, 19, HEOL PAWR. 39