•*Y * COFIADUR:^ CYLCHGRAWN CHWARTEROL CTLOHDAITH WESLEYAIDD CYF. X. RHIF 4. Taehcaedd, í^hagîyí» a Ionacat», 1903—4. Íeminiscences of zion, manafon. By E. Thomas, Meîifod. SEING told one day that Mr. David Edwards, Peny- bryn, had gone "the way oí all the earth," the fact came forcibly into my mind that in him the last of my old friends connected with theGreen Chapel had crossed the bar into the "desired haven," and my thoughts naturally wandered back to the time of my first acquaint- ance with the place and its people—now considerably over forty years ago—and in traversing the way back I recalled to mind many (at least to me), interesting circumstances. My first visit to Zion Chapel was on a fine Sunday in early summer; I walked there during the morning, my mind being busy during the journey rehearsing my already prepared address. I had been directed to Plasdocyn, and arrived there sóon after the children had returned from Sunday School. The door was opened to me by a rosy- faced, rather shy, young girl. I asked if that was Plasdocyn, and a kindly voice from within answered,—" Yes, come in ;" and in a few minutes I was quite at home in the dear old' place in which I spent many a happy day in after years. After partaking of a substantial dinner, with the family all around the big kitchen table, Mr. Humphreys brought his Basso-viol, and the two eldest daughters joining, we sang through a long list of the grand old hymn tunes, so much in vogue in those days, until it was time to start to chapel for the afternoon service. i: I recollect how beautiful the little valley looked from the Heníron when the view first met my sight, and there, at the foot of the steep, was the little chapel, with a number of people already gathered there, but all outside awaiting the time and the preacher. I was introduced to most of them before we went in, amongst whom were, John and Mary