The Baptist Sunday School RECORD No. 8. Vol. i. NOVEMBER. 1897. Price One Penny Rev. THOMAS JONES, ABERDARE. fE was born at Llanelly, Breconshire, in October, 1840. His father was an inn-keeper, and a Congregation- alist. His moth¬ er was baptized when sixty-four years of age, at Horeb, Blaen- avon, by his pas¬ tor, the Rev. Daniel Morgan, a noble man and a friend of all young men. He began his life in a very humble way ; and stud¬ ied bis Bible, and other books, underground — when any oppor¬ tunity offered. He commenc¬ ed his education with Rev. John Rees, who kept an evening school at Blaen- avon — as well as preaching every Sabbath at the English Baptist church in that town. He continued his education with Rev. Timothy Davies, who also kept an even¬ ing school. .He was baptized at Ebenezer ; and com¬ menced preaching at the request of his dear pastor, Rev. D. Morgan, who first of _________________:___ all taught him grammar. Mr. Morgan's mem¬ ory is very dear to Mr. Jones, as well as to Mrs. Jones, because he took a deep interest in him and other young people. Mr. Jones went, at the ad¬ vice of Mr. Mor¬ gan, to the Brit¬ ish School, Pon- typool, under the care of Mr. Smith, who took a deep in¬ terest in him, and prepared him for the en¬ trance examin¬ ation for college. He entered in i865,andgreatly profitted by it during the four years he had the privilege of studying there. His tutors were Revs. T. Thomas, D.D., and George Thomas, M.A. He settled in the ministry at Wyle Cop,