jvr J*>>- ?■■ ft The Baptist Sunday School RECORD No. Vol. i. AUGUST, 1897. Price One Penny. Mr. JOHN EVANS, Superintendent of the Tenby Sunday School. [TTTANY a Sunday School superinteud- V^j^ ent, although unknown and un¬ recognized beyond the immediate circle of his work, yet fulfils a ministry, the effects of which must be very deep and far reaching. Gen¬ eration after generation of young people who pass thro¬ ugh the School into the great life-battles of large towns and distant; lands, re¬ ceive impres¬ sions with which he has directly to do, that can¬ not fail to pro¬ duce a very great influence on the life and destinyofmany. Some Schools have been con¬ sidering wheth¬ er the Superin¬ tendent should be changed every year. In some places this is done ; but the majority of Schools, by far, believe it is wiser to continue the same man in office, and, surely, when a man of the right stamp is found it is better to retain his services, for in this, as in every other sphere, experi¬ ence teaches, and the capable man learns to do his work bet¬ ter and better wjth time and practice. As we have instances of ministers who have spent their life in the same pastorate; so we have instances of superintend¬ ents who have filled their office to the end of their days. Mr. John Evans,ofTenby, has spent con¬ siderably more than half his lifetime as Sup¬ erintendent of the same school, and that by an unbroken series of annual re-elections. This has continued for "bout thirty-three years, He has