PARISH MAGAZINE NOVEMBER, 1910. ADVENT Before our next issue will appear we shall have entered upon another Christian year. The Church Festivals and Fasts are special times and seasons of grace; sea¬ sons which if we miss we know not what we lose; and so whenever God would draw near to man. He would have man prepare for that awful nearness. Advent like penitence itself, has a mingled char¬ acter of sorrow and awe, and hope and joy ; sorrow for sin and wasted grace ; awe at judgment to come. Yet hope and glad¬ ness in looking forward to Christmas joy. It is a time of special preparation for Christmas communion that our hearts may shew forth the prailse of God and sing with holy gladness the Christmas song, "Glory to God in the nighest and on earth peace, goodwill towards men." * * * HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICES. On Thursday, the 6th of last month, the annual Tfhanskgiving Services for the Harvest were offered in the Churches of the Parish. The Festival com¬ menced on Wednesday evening, the 5th, at St. Beuno's Mission Room, and it was brought to a conclusion at Bodafon Mission Room the same Friday evening. * * * We are glad to be able to record that much interest was shewn in the Festival throughout the Parish. The attendances at the morning services were not what we hoped to see. The unfortunate custom of keeping this Festival on Sundays in various parts of the country has probably done much to make people indifferent to their obligation of making a little sacrifice on a week-day to return thanks to God for all the benefits that they receive at His hands during the course of the year. The service at St. Tudno's Church in the afternoon was quite one of the best held in recent years. It was a beautiful day, and a large congregation was present. After the service, which was outside, the clergy processed into the church, follow¬ ed by as many of the congregation as the old church would hold, where a hymn was sung, after which the Blessing was pro- lounced. The evening services in the Churches and Mission Rooms were well attended, and the services were devotional and hearty. We thank the special preachers for their kind help. The Churches and Mission Rooms were tastefully and suitably decorated as fol¬ lows : — ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH. Altar: Mrs Hughes. Altar Rails : Miss Forss. Pulpit: Miss Ada Buckley and Miss Florence Wright. Font: Mrs Roberts (Huyton). Lectern : Miss Smith (Anstey) and Miss Sarah Jones (Combermere). Choir Stalls : Miss Arkle, Miss Sutton Jones, and Miss Dorothy Sutton Jones. Windows: Mrs Lumley, Miss Edith F'elton, Miss Elsie Travis, Miss Travis, (Southport). Pillars and Border : Miss Nathan Jones and Miss Moores. Faldstool: Miss Wright and Miss Dorothy Sutton Jones. Contributions: Mrs Hughes, Mrs Lumley, Misses Ada and Alice Buck¬ ley, Miss Edith Felton, Miss F. Wright, Mrs Huntbaoh, Mrs Mariner Brigg, Mrs Roberts (Huyton), Mrs Roberts (9, Madoc Street), Mrs Tudor Owen, Miss Elsie Travis, Miss Travis (Southport), Miss Smith (Anstey), Miss Sarah Jones (Combermere), Miss Cotton (Peterboro'), Mrs Evans (Orme's View), the Misses E. and Dorothy Sutton Jones, Miss Moores. Mr Bowdage, and Messrs. J. Jones and Sons, Mostyn Street. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. Altar : The Misses Sherratt. East End: Mr Atkin and assistant gardeners (for Mr J. Walker, Osborne House). Pulpit: The Misses Marsden. Organ Screen: Miss Farring'ton and Miss Holt. Trancepts: Mr Atkins and assistant gardeners. Windows : Miss Buckley. Miss Penney, Miss Poppleton, Miss Blakey, Miss Wake- ley. Hymn Boards: Miss Foster. Font: Mrs Brown, Miss Shaw and Mr Winter. We thankfully acknowledge gifts from the following::—Mrs Margetts, Mrs Stone, Mr W. H. Hill, Miss Fox, Miss James, Mr Bird (The Market Hall), Mrs Swinnerton, Mrs G. Evans (Great Orme),