PARISH MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1910. MARRIAGE! OF THE KEV. J. HUGHES AND MISS BROOME. On Wednesday, the 14th of last month, a very large number of friends and well-wishers assembled in Holy Trinity Church, Llandudno, on the occasion of the marriage of the Rev. John Hughes, B.A., formerly curate of Llandudno, and at present Welsh Chaplain at Jesus Col¬ lege, Oxford, to Miss Marguerite May Broome, duaghter of the late Mr Joseph Broome, J. P., and sometime High Sheriff of Carnarvonshire, and of Mrs Broome, Eirylfryn. The officiating clergy were the Rev. LI. R. Hughes, M.A., Rector, assisted by the Ven. Archdeacon Morgan, M.A., who gave the address, the Rev. J. Edwards, B.A., Vicar of Pwllheli, and the Rev. W. E. Jones, B.A., curate of Llandudno. The service was fully choral, Mr C. T. Dee being the organist. The bride was conducted by her brother, Mr Harry Broome, and attended by Miss Alice Mackenzie, Miss Wini¬ fred Manseul, and Miss Hughes. The bridegroom was supported by his brother as best man, and the bride was given away by her mother. The service Avas very impressive, and the church had been beautifuliy decorated for the occasion by Mrs Piatt, of Clifton Lodge; with the assistance of her gar¬ deners, while plants and flowers were'eon- trbuted by Mrs Wilson, of Eithinog; Mrs J. Walker. Osborne House, and Mrs Dalton, Haulfan. Notwithstanding the very large number that attended, the seating arrangements were so well carried out by the sidesmen under the direction of Dr. Dalton, Churchwarden, that the service was one of the most reverent and orderly that Ave have witnessed at Holy Trinity. In conjunction with their many frends we wish them a very happy mar¬ ried life and a career of much usefulnehs in the Church. * * * BODAFON MISSION ROOM. PRESENTATION TO MISS BROOME ON THE OCCASION OP HER MARRIAGE. On Friday e\Tening, the 9th ult., a most pleasant gathering was held at Bodafon Mission Room, presided over by the Rector, at which a presentation was made to Miss Broome by the members of the congregation of the Mission Room on the occasion of her marriage with the Rev. J. Hughes, formerly curate of this parish, and Welsh Chaplain of Jesus College, Oxford, Reader D. P. Jones and Mr Gresley Jones spoke a few appropriate Avords, and the Rector on behalf of the subscribers asked Miss Broome's accept¬ ance of a solid silver rose bowl as a small token of their good Avlshes and also of theftr gratitude for the interest she has always taken in them. Mrs Hansen and Miss Thomas having been thanked for collecting the subscrip¬ tions the meeting was brought to a close Avith the benediction pronounced by the Rector. * * * LLANDUDNO CHURCH EXTENSION FUND. We are glad to acknowledge Avith many thanks the following sums Avhkh have been received since our last issue : — Thank Offering, Holy Trinity 10 10 Mr William Atkin Mrs Wilbraham ... The Rev. W. G. Pennyman M. F. (Walthamstow) Church Boxes by 10 10 ..10 ..10 ..2 0 .. 0 5 ..2 0