PARISH MAGAZINE, SEPTE/ABER, 1910. THE CHURCH EXTENSION WORK. We are very glad to be able to state that the Committee of th© Llandudno Church Exten¬ sion Movement, with the kind and valuable assistance of the distinguished Architect., who is acting as their adviser and assessor have now completed all their preliminary work, and the following announcement is appearing in several journals:— "NEW CHURCH, WEST SHORE LLAN¬ DUDNO. Competfkive designs are invited from Archi¬ tects who have practised far not .e is than five years as fully qualified architects in North Wales or in the City of Chester foir the erection of a Church for the West Shore District of Llandudno. "A printed copy of the conditions of com¬ petitions and", necessary details with a plan of site will be sent to oompetitors on receipt of one guinea, which will be refunded on the receipt of bona fide designs, or if the said plan and information are returned within 14 days with a declaration that they will not be used for the purpose of the competition. Apply The Rector of Llandudno." We now ask our friends to help uc in every possible way in the matter of collecting the necessary funds. We are fortunate in having already a band of capable and energetc work¬ ers who are anxious that the work to be done may be worthy of the object and of the place. The following additional contributions were received last month: — Miss Ashton Johnson ... ... 2 2 0 Miss R. Reynolds ... ... 0 5 0 Mr Geo. L. Woodley (additional con¬ tribution) ... ... ... 2 10 0 Mr C. E. Sheknerdine ... ... 10 10 0 Rev. J. P. Rosers (additional contribu¬ tion) ... ... ... 1 14 0 Mi J. W. Haslock (1st instalment) ... 5 0 0 Church Boxes ... ... ... 1 0 0 Collection Sunday evening Aug. 28th in Holy Trinity Church ... 20 0 6 # * * A meeting of the members of the Ladies' Misaion Working Party will be held at the Rectory on Thursday afternoon, September 8th, at three o'clock, to pass grants to Mission Societies and to make arrangements for the work of the coining year. * * * MISSIONS TO SEAMEN. The annual meeting of the Missions to Sea¬ men Society will be held in the Town Hall, Llandudno, on Thursday, the 28th of this month, at 3 30 p.m. The Society will be re¬ presented by the Rev. J. V. H. Rees, the organising secretary for the Ncrth West Di. - taidt, and oth---r speakers. Following the meet¬ ing there will be tea at 6d. each, v.hich will be arranged for by Mrs Wi son, of Eithinog. the Llandudno Honorary Secretary of t.11.3 Society, and the proceeds will be given to- the funds of the Mission. We hop? this good work will be well supported. * * * HARVEST FESTIVAL. The Harvest Festival Seirvices have been fixed for Thursday, the 6th of October, at St. George, Holy Trinity, and St. Tuuno'r- Churhes. At Bodafon, Friday, the 7th, and St. Beuno Wednesday, the 5th. A meeting of decorators, will be called in due time, and in the meantime we remind our friends that con¬ tributions of flowers, fruit,, etc. will be gladly received. * * * MEMORIAL TO THE LATE MR. RICHARD CONWAY. The final design for the Memorial to the late Mr Richard Conway has been approved of by the Committee of subscribers, and the work is now being proceeded with, and in our next issue we hope to be able to announce the date of unveiling. * * * S.P.C.K. We give below the list of fubscribers towards the Diocesan Branch of the Society for Pro¬ moting Christian Knowledge. The^ S.P.C.K. is the oldest Sd iety of the Church of England, and has been ax- work for over 200 years, and in a year or so it will be a 100 years since our Diocesan Branch was formed. The Society support:- more Church activities than any other Society, and we are glad to find the interest in it in this Parish sustained, thanks especially to the energy of the collectors. The list of subscriptions this year is as fol¬ lows:— Collector, Miss Buckley.—M^s Wyard, 2s. 6d.; Mrs Sheldon. 2s. 6d.; Mrs Huntbaeh. 5s.; Mr Shelmerdine, 5s.; Mrs Parry, £1 Is.; Mr S. S. 5s.; Mrs Arkle, 5s.; Mrs Sibley, 2s. 6d.; E. W., 2s. 6d.; S. P. Cooper, 2s. 6d.; W. H. Hill 5s.; F. H. A., 2s.; Mrs Wilson, 2s. 6d.; Mr Duiton, 2s. 6d.; Mrs Garlick, 2s. 6d.; Mrs Hintoa, 2s. 6d.; Dr. Dalton, 5s.; Mrs Ackersley, 2s. 6d>; Mrs W. R. Brookes, 2s. 6d.; Miss A. Sherratt. 3s. Gd.; A. B., 2s.; Miss Poppleton, 2s.; Mrs H. Morton. 2s; Mrs Farrington. 2s.; Mrs A. G. Moy, 2s. 6d.; Mr H. E. Bonnalie 2s. 6d.; Mrs J. Walker, 5s.; Dr. Nicol. 2s. 6d.; Mrs Gar¬ diner, 2s.; Mrs J. Strowger, 2s. 6d.; Mrs S.