PARISH MAGAZINE AUGUST, 1910. LLANDUDNO CHURCH EXTENSION MOVEMENT. The work in connection with the Llandudno Church Extension Movement has been pro¬ ceeding during the past month, .and several working meetings of the Committee have been held. The Committee have been fortunate in securing the services of one of the most dis¬ tinguished Church Architects of the day to act as Assessor, who has given the Committee most valuable assistance and advice in settling the terms of the competition (confined to Architects in North Wales and Chester) for the designs of the new Church. These con¬ ditions are now decided and will be published shortly. The Committee have every confidence of obtaining plans for the Church worthy of the object and which will be an additional feature in the architecture of Llandudno. The Committee with great regret have accepted the resignation as Treasurer of Mr Adey Wells, and desire him to accept their best thanks for his valuable services. He still remains a member of the Committee. At the last meeting Mr J. W. Gardiner was elected treasurer. We are also glad that several have been adided to the number of collectors,, and it now reanaina for us all to work together so that the required funds will be in sight when the foundation stone is laid so that there may be no delay with regard to pushing forward the much-needed extensions at Holy Trinity Church. • * • THE ANNUAL MISSION SALE OF WORK. The annual sale of work in connection with the Church of England Home and Foreign Missions was held on Thursday, the 30th of June. The event was organised, as has bean the case in former years, by the ladies' mission working party, the lady presi¬ dent of which is Mrs LL R. Hughes, The Rectory. The Town Hall way prettily decorated for the occasion, whilst the stalls were laden with a varied selection of articles for sale, and- in fact, all the arrangements were a credit to the tact and business capabilities of the lady members of dhe Working Party. The opening ceremony was performed by Mrs Martin Wilson, Eithinog. The Rector (Rev. LI. R. Hughes. M.A.), speaking at the outset, said he considered that annual sale of work on behalf of the home and foreign mis¬ sions of the Church, one of the most important, events connected with Church work during the year. It was now an old event, establish¬ ed twenty years ago, and it had proved a good means of bringing before the public in their parish some of the great institu¬ tions of the Church.—(Hear,- hear.) They did their best to support the work of the Church's groat societies, and ffiiey had several organis¬ ation^, on behalf of which special efforts were made, but he pointed out that there were a great number off agencies in connection with the Church of England which were only assist¬ ed here by the mission ladies' working party. This aid not only embraced foreign missions of the Church, but also the great home mis¬ sions, towards which they could contribute by this means.—<Hear, hear. It was surprising how much of the work of the Church depended upon voluntary contributions. Over 1000 curates in the Church of England depended on one society alone—the Additional Curates' Society. It meant that in nome of die parishes, which were very poorly endowed and heavily populated, they would have to look entirely to voluntary subscriptions to support the work done. Referring to his own parish, the Rector went on to say that in the diocese of Bangor, to which they belonged, no les.; than thirty curates depended entirely on the Church Extension Society. The people of the Church thus had a great many calls made upon them, but after all, the only thing of really great importance was for the Church to be able to deal with the souls of men and women, and unless it was able to do that it was of no use whatever.—(Hear, hear.) They must remember that the old endowments of the Church were now a mere fraction, and by supporting the sale of work that afternoon, they were taking part in the highest form of work possible in the Church of England.— (Applause.) Mrs Wilson expressed her pleasure at being present to open tlbe sale of work, which she hoped would be quite as successful as usual. At the same time she announced a meeting which is referred to in another paragraph, in aid of the Mission to Seamen.—(Cheers.) The Rev. Robert Williame. then proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs Wilson, who>, he felt sure, had come there that day at con¬ siderable inconvenience. Mrs Roberts (Huyton) seconded, and the motion was carried witih acclamation. THE STALLHOLDERS. The following ladies presided at the stalls: — Plain Work Stall No. 1.—Mrs Roberts, Huy¬ ton, and Mrs S. Roberts. Fancy Stall.—Miss Buokiey and Miss Penny. Plain Work Stall No. 2.—Mrs and Mis* Nathan Jones. Fruit and Flower Stall.—Mrs Walker, Mrs Dalton, and the Misses Dalton. Sweet Stall.—Mrs E. W. Johnson, assisted by Miss Haworth. Miss Marriott, Miss Yoxall. Tea Stall.—Mrs Peers and Mrs Mather, assisted by Miss G. Mather, Miss ChamberLain, Miss Foster, and Mks Burkewood. Candle Lighting and Other Competitions.— Mrs Lever. A musical programme, kindly arranged by Mr Lumley was also rendered by Miss Dorothy Sutton-Jones, Mi:<s Hilda Jameson. Miss Megan Griffiths, Mr Allen Williams, and the Rev. E. Lumley. Miss Megan Griffiths and Mr C. T. Dee were the accompanists. BALANCE SHEET OF MISSION SALE. Receipts. Fruit and flowers Tea Stall Sweet Stall Plain .Stall No. 1 Plain Stall No. 2 Fancy Stall ... Ticket money Donations Competitions' ... £ s. d. ... 10 15 ... 7 16 ... 4 9 ... 11 18 ... 4 15 ... 7 6 ... 4 2 ... 3 1 ... 0 8 £54 14