JUNE, 1910. KINO 'EDWARD VII. The event which has overshadowed all else during the last month has been the unexpected and greatly mourned death of the (beloved King Edward VII. of blessed and .glorious memory, which occurred on Friday, the 6th of last month. Llandudno had its full share in the universal grief which has been caused by the death of our illustrious King Edward VII. The extent, the universality, the depth and sincerity of the grief and regret at the loss of so excellent, beneficent and peace-loving a Sovereign, and one who worked so hard for the good of his sub¬ jects and of mankind, has surpassed all records of grief for any other of the world's rulers. Accounts of the various services in com¬ memoration of the late King have already been published, as also of the references made to his character and work. The ser¬ vices in this Parish were held in St. George's Church in Welsh and in Holy Trinity Church in English on Friday, the 20th of last month, at the same time as the funeral service at Windsor, between one and two p.m. There was also a general service at the Pavilion at 10-30 a.m., presided over by the Rector. The service at Holy Trinity was at¬ tended by the Representatives of the Pub¬ lic Bodies, official persons, various branches of the Territorial forces, Church Lads' Brigade, Boy Scouts, members of the Buffaloes Lodge, Railway men, etc., etc. The service was very impres¬ sive and the Church was filled to its utmost capacity, a large number being unable to gain admission even into the entrances and porches. On the following morning there were celebrations of the Holy Communion at St. George and Holy Trinity Churches. In the general mourning for the loss which the nation has sustained we should not forget the duty of thankfulness for the priceless blessings of King Edward VII.'s reign, and we have the further duty of prayer on behalf of his son, who is now King*, and who has been suddenly called to such an elevated position, involving end¬ less work and responsibility in times full of difficulties. From the depths of our hearts we should all pray in the greatest sincerity, GOD SAVE THE KING. * * * THE ARCHDEACON'S COURT. It was a great pleasure to the many friends in Llandudno of Archdeaicon Mor¬ gan to see him looking so well and to hear him speak so effectively when he came on the 29th of April last to admit to their offices the Sidesmen and Churchwardens. A Court for admission was held in the Church House, and at 7 o'clock there was a service in Holy Trinity Church, attend¬ ed by the Church Officers. In the course of his sermon the Archdeacon drew atten¬ tion to the need at the present time in the face of the rapid growth of Indifference to the work of the Church for every officer and every member to do their utmost to consecrate their best abilities to work in the service of the Church. Not everyone is called to Holy Orders, but everyone is called to do some service. After the service the annual dinner, presided over by the Rector, was held at Lockyer's Hotel, when the Clergy and Church Officers to the number of 70, spent a pleasant evening together. After din¬ ner several matters of Church interest were discussed, and there was a. good pro¬ gramme of music. • * * RECTOR'S EASTER OFFERING. We regret that the following names were inadvertently left out from the list of the contributions to the Rector's Easter Offering, which appeared in the last issue. Item £9 8s. 7d. was made up as follows : — £ s. d. Mr and Mrs Shelmerdine.. 1 0 Mrs Jameson... 0 10 Mrs Baxter ... 0 5 Mrs Dunphy ... 0 10 Mr T. Smith ... 0 5 Mr L. M. Curtler 1 1 Mrs Reynolds 0 5 Boxes— St. George 1 5 H. T C. ... 4 7 £9 8 7 THOMAS DALTON, NATHAN O. JONES, Churchwardens.