PARISH MAGAZINE WAY, 1910. EASTER VESTRY. The annual Easter Vestry for this Parish was held on Friday, the 1st of iast month, at 5-30 p.m., at St. George's Church, and afterwards adjourned to the National Schools. The Rector, the Rev. LI. R. Hughes, M.A., was in the chair, and there were also present the Revs. J. P. Rogers, T. H. Guest, W. E. Jones, E. Lumley, T. Morgan-Jones, Dr. Dalton (Rector's Warden), Mr Nathan 0. Jones (Parish Warden), Dr. Kenrijak Davies, Messrs. J. Adey Wells, G. L. Woodley, W. Price, J. Hickey, C. Bowdage, J. Sm<th, T. Lucking, C. T. Dee, E,. Royle, (E, Turner, J. Moody, Harris, Penn'ng- ton, Wilsden, Ait ken, A. Ellis, W. S. Parsons, Wright. T. J. Roberts, H. Sut- cliffe, and others. The minutes of the lasj annual Vestry meeting and also the special Vestry held to appoint a warden n the place of the late Mr Rohard Conway were read. Mr Turner proposed and Mr Bowdage second¬ ed that the minutes be confirmed. This was carried unanimously. The Be?.' -n* then referred to the sper.'al Vestries which had been held during the year in reference to the resjgnafr'on and reappointment of Mr John Bel lis as assistant overseer, and he asked the Vestry to take them as read and explained that the minutes only con¬ tained the legal resolutions to put right an informality. The Rev. T. H. Guest proposed that the minutes of the special Vestrr'es be taken as read ; this was seconded by Mr Wright. and carried. ST. THOMAS' CHARITY. As arising from the minutes Mr Royle asked what was the conclusion of the mat¬ ter witih regard to the St. Thomas' Charity. Mr Nathan Jones n reply read the conditions of the trust under which the St. Thomas' Day Charity was distributed, and the Rector referring to the grounds of objection considered last year said that the Charity Commissioners had now ap¬ proved of a very different scheme to what was originally proposed. The Rector of the parrish and the people's warden were always to 'be members of the Board, and Dr Dalton during his lifetime. They had also succeeded in getting it stipulated that the Council's representatives must be resi¬ dents in the old parish of Llandudno. The Rector further said that the members elected by the Urban Council had met tbem in the kndest possible spirt, and were anx ous to administer the*charity in the spirit of the trust. On the mot'on of Mr Adey Wells a vote of thanks Avas accorded the Rector and Wardens, and also Mr Arthur Hughes and Mr Phil p Conway, who had assisted them in ex¬ plaining matters to the Charity Commis¬ sioners. Mr Nathan Jones said that the amount distributed this year was £8 6s. 3d This was shared between fi teen aged persons. The accounts were adopted. The Rector sa'd that this was the first annual Vestry since the death of the late Mr Richard Conway, and he here referred to the memorial to the late Mr Richard Conway, and sa;d that in the absence of Mr W. Ellis Jones, secretary to the Committee, he was unable to g've the amount already collected, but a meet¬ ing would shortly be called when a full statement would be presented showing how matters stood. CHURCH ACCOUNTS. The statement of accounts for the year was presented by Mr Nathan Jones as fol¬ lows :—' RECEIPTS. To Collections—< St. George's Church Holy Trinity Church St. Tudno's Church St. Beuno Mission School... Bodafon ditto ... Pees Ecclesiastical Commissioners Mrs M. E. Hughes' dona¬ tions towards Books... Overpaid in cheque Balance due to Bank £1371 19 10 PAYMENTS. Bv Balance a.t Easter, 1909... 75 10 0 Poor ... ... 26 15 2 Books, Stationery and Print¬ ing ..." ... 53 9 10 Organists' and Choirs' Music 170 6 0 Bepairs to Organ Blower, Holy Trin'tr ... 17 2 10 210 2 733 3 219 12 6 10 16 8 11 3 6 60 0 4 0 0 4 118 13