PARISH MAGAZINE APRIL, 1910. HOLY WEE|K AND EASTER. Though, there remains a great deal to be done, before we realize as we ought to the truths taught during Holy Week and Easter and gain for the season such an observance as its dignity and importance claim, we are, however, thankful for signs that we may hope that some progress is made in the right direction. The atten¬ dances at t'he special services have been as compared with former years good, and we are very grateful for the helpful in¬ structions of our special preachers during Lent and Holy Week, especially must we mention the Dean of Bangor, who in addi_ tion to giving instructions during Lent conducted the Three Hours' Service in Holy Trinity Church on Good Friday. We are thankful also for the marked in¬ crease in the number of communicants in our Churches, and we are glad to be able to state tihat there was not only an in¬ crease in each Church, but also in each section—the Welsh as well as the English. We pray that all this may mean a corres¬ ponding progress in the inward spiritual life of all our members, which we trust will also have a corresponding influence upon our life and our work in the service of our Risen Lord. EASTER DECORATIONS. Notwithstanding the early date of Easter Sunday this year and the difficulty of obtaining flowers, we were glad to find that the Churches were beautifully de¬ corated for Easter and the good taste in which the decoration were done was gener¬ ally noticed by those who attended the Churches. We desire especially to thank Mr and Mrs Walker for their kind help, and-also Mrs Wilson, of Eithinog, for her contribution, which greatly added to the effectiveness of the work. The decorations were earrieid out as follows : —< ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH. East End: Mrs LI. Hughes and Miss Moores. Altar Rails: The Misses Mather. Pulpit: Miss Ada Buckley and Miss Wright. Lectern: Miss Smith (Anstey). Windows and Transcepts.—Miss Felton, Miss Nathan Jones, the Misses Dunphy, Miss E. Travis. Font: Mrs Roberts (Huyton). Flowers were kindly sent by the follow¬ ing:—Mrs Wilson (Eathinog), Mrs Mariner Brigg, Miss Moores, Miss Fawke, Mrs Piatt, Mrs Wright (Anner- ley), Mrs Roberts (Huyton), the Misses Buckley, the Misses Dunphy, Miss Fel¬ ton, Mr Bowdage, Mrs Arkle, Mrs Lum- ley, Miss Fox, Miss Gardiner, Mr W. H. Hill, Mrs Ottley, Mrs Pilkington, Mr T. P. Davies. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. The Altar: The Misses Sherratt. East End : Mr Atkin and assistants (for Mr J. Walker). Pulpit: The Misses Marston and Miss Gar diner. Screen : Miss Poppleton and Miss Jones (Craig Gadarn). Organ Screen: Miss Buckley. Windows and Trancepts : Miss Buck¬ ley, Miss J. Marston, Miss Gardiner, and Mr V. Davies. Font: Miss Shaw and Miss Ettie Brown Flowers were kindly sent by Mr J. Walker (Osborne House), Mrs Chamber¬ lain, Mrs Parry (Brynalyn), Mrs Baxter, Miss Jones, Craig Gadarn; Miss Mar¬ riott, Miss Poppleton, the Misses Sher¬ ratt, the Misses Marston, Mrs Evans (Great O'rme), Miss Owen (Soho House), Miss Blakey, Miss Shad Roberts, Miss Pemberton. CONFIRMATION. The Lord Bishop of Bangor held the Confirmation Service ijn Holy Trinity Church on the afternoon of Monday in Holy Week, when the following were con¬ firmed :—Elsie Acton Travis, Hatherton, Maelgwyn Road; Marion Williams, Woodbine, Council Street; Florence Niicholson, Llwyn Onn Gardens; Nellie Owen, Vine House, Church Waiks ; Annie Owen, Vine House, Church Walks; Annie Cope, Livery Stables, Mostyn Street; Watkin William Rowlands, 67, Mostyn Street; Henry Edwards, 2, Stephen Street; Thomas Charles Lever, Back Madoc Street; Edward Cooper, Brink- burn House; Frances Mary Saviger, Bri,gstock, St. Mary's Road; Clara Louie Ball, Abbeydale; Eira Blodwen Owen, Finsbury House, Mostyn Street; Dorothy Sutton Jones, Drummond Villa, Trinity Square; Edith Laura Owen, 4, Penyffrith, Great Orme; Gwladys Lowe, 49, Mostyn