AARCH, 1910. HOLY WtEEK. AND EASTER. It is gratifying to find that the course of instructions given during Lent are so well attended and so much appreciated. As we approach Holy week we hope that the attendances at the special services will continue to increase and that we shall all more and more realize the great truths, and our own obligations, to which the Church calls our attention so forcibly at thiis time of the year. As Churchpeople we ought to realise our obligations with regard to the great Central Truths of our Religion, the solemnity of Holy Week, especdaily Good Friday, when we con¬ template the most profound Truths of the Christian Faith, after which the Church leads us to the triumphs and joy of Easter. Our influence, however, should go further than this. It is the duty of Churchpeople here as in other places to strive to make the truths taught during this Holy season better understood and appreciated by all the community, so that Holy Week and Eastertide may more and more regain their rightful position as sacred seasons of the Church of Christ, and prevent their first idea from being obliterated by considerations of secular amusements. For Churchmen too the serious aim during Holy Week should be the rightful preparation for the partaking of the Holy Communion on E'aster Day with reference to which we draw the attention of our readers to the rubric in the Prayer Book which says : —■ "And note that every Parishioner shall "communicate at the least three times in "the year of which Eiaster to be one." * * * There will be daily celebrations during Holy Week, and special services and addresses at 7 p.m. in St. George and Holy Trinity Church, and on Good Friday, in addition to the usual ser¬ vices the THREE HOURS SER¬ VICE will be conducted in Holy Trinity Church from 12 noon to 3 p.m., and every Friday before Holy Week special instructions will be given in Holy Trinity Church by the Very Rey. the Dean of Bangor, and in St. George's Church by the Rev. R. Owen, Vicar of Brynymaen. On Eiaster Day the services will be as follows : — ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH. Celebrations of the Holy Communion at 7 a.m., Welsh; 8 a.m., English (Choral); 10 a.m., Welsh (Choral), and after the 11 50 morning service. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. Holy Communion 6 a.m., 7 a.m. and 8 a.m., and after the 11 a.m. service (choral) there will be full Festival Services in St. George's (Welsh) and in Holy Trinity Church (English) on the evening of Easter Day. * * ♦ RECTOR'S EASTER OFFERING. The Churchwardens desire to state that they wi|ll be glad to receive the offerings of the Parishioners and members of the congregations towards the Rector's Easter Offering. Contributions may be paid to the National Provincial Bank, to the Churchwardens, or may be placed in a 'Box" for the Easter Offering near the doors of the Churches. The fund will be closed on Wednesday in Easter week. THOMAS DALTON, NATHAN O. JONES, Churchwardens. EASTER DECORATIONS. There will, be a meeting for those who desire to take part in the decoration of the Churches for Easter in Holy Trinity Church House on Tuesday, the 8th of this month, at 4 p.m. AH who can do so are kindly requested to make an effort to be present. * * * CONFIRMATION. The Lord Bishop of Bangor has fixed the Confirmation Services for Monday in Holy Week, March 21st, in Holy Trinity Church, at 4 p.m. Candidates are request¬ ed to be in their places before 3 45 p.m. * * J* MOTHERS' UNION. We take this opportunity of reminding the members of the Mothers' Union that the Anniversary Service in Holy Trinity Church will not be held on Lady Day, March 25th, as in preceding* years. As Good Friday falls this year on the 25th of March, the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is transferred from that day to the 5th of April. This