PARISH MAGAZINE FEBRUARY, 1910. LENT. On Wednesday, the 9th day of this month, the Holy Season of Lent will begin an earlier date in the Spring than usual, hut considering all things it is not a day too soon, for during the past few weeks we have all had more distractions than we have experienced for many years. We have passed through the excitement of a General Election which has commanded greater interest and called out more in¬ tense feeling than any General Election which most of us remember, and all Christian people concerned a,s they should be about the spiritual life, feel the need of ris:ng above temporal conceims, how¬ ever important they may be, and of gaining a clearer view of the great Eternal realities, and the old watchwords of Lent, Meditation, Prayer and Self-denial should appeal to us with greater force than ever. The special services and sermons will be duly announced, and every effort will be made with a View to their being as helpful as possible, and we ask all to make every en¬ deavour to avail themselves of the oppor¬ tunities offered. Lent culminating in Holy Week and Easter Day affords great and precious privileges. May God help us to use them rightly, so that we may all do more fruitful work in Hiis service. SAGE ED* STUDY. We desire to call attention to the Society for sacred study. The subject during this winter has been the latter por¬ tion of the life of our Lord, as specially described in the Gospel according to St. Mark, and during Lent the closing scenes of our Lord's Life on Earth will be studied. The work will be so arranged that those who have no!t attended the classes hitherto can attend with advan¬ tage during the weeks in Lent. All are invited. CONFIRMATION. The special Confirmation Classes will be held every Monday evening in Holy Trinity Church at 7 45, and all those who desire to be confirmed at the approaching confirmation service are requested to at¬ tend regularly. The Rector will also be 2 2 0 glad to make arrangements for the pre¬ paration of Senior Candidates, who may not be able to attend the regular classes, at times convenient for them as far as that is possible. AM candidates who have not already done so are requested to send in their names wihout delay to one of the Clergy of the Parish. * * # LLANDUDNO CHURCH EXTENSION We are glad to find that the workers in connection with the Llandudno Church Extension Movement are zealously pro¬ ceeding with their work, and the first, meeting for bringing in the 'books' will' shortly be called. The following amounts have been received during the past month : — Mr H. Sutcliiffe ... Rev. J. P. Rogers, in addition to amount already acknow¬ ledged Mrs Tudor Owen Mrs S. E. Conway (West Shore Church) Collected by Mrs Clayton—■ Mrs Ives Miss Ives Mrs Stockwell (Eccles) Nurse Hassall ... Messrs. E. Owen and Sons Mr John Clayton Mrs Bould Mr and Mrs Lot Williams Mrs Tipton Mrs F. M. Garratt (for Holy Mrs Lomas (Cliffe Dale) Miss Wood (Rugby) Mrs Brooke (Gressely) Mr and Mrs J. F Winstanley (for Holy Trinity- J. P. (for Holy Trinity) Collected by Mrs Flood ST. GEORGE'S BAND OF HOPE. During Lent at the Band of Hope Meetings a series of Lantern Lectures will be given illustrating the life of our Lord. The meetings are at 6 o'clock on Monday evenings. . 2 2 . 10 0 \ 25 0 . 1 0 . 1 0 . 0 10 . 1 1 . 0 10 . 1 0 . 0 10 . 2 2 . 1 1 1 1 0 10 . 0 ?„ r. . 1 0 . 1 0 . 0 2 2 4 £53 19