PARISH MAGAZINE JANUARY, 1910. THE! NEW YEAR. We have again the privilege and the pleasure of wishing all our readers and friends a Happy and a Prosperous New Year, and it is a great satisfaction to us to be able each year to offer our best wishes to an increasing number. We record our thankfulness to those faith¬ ful workers for their sustained efforts in the interest of the Magazine, some of whom are continually adding to their dis¬ tribution list. When we think of the past our first thoughts are those of gratitude to Almighty God for all the blessings and privileges which we have continued to enjoy, and our next thought is of those into whose heart He has put the desire and to whom He has given the capacity to do something for His sake in the work of His Church. May such workers ever be on the increase amongst us, and may Ave all in our several, positions co-operate more and more in all good work. The need of work ig ever increasing, but as we go on we learn that there is no joy in life greater than doing faithfully according to our ability the good work to which the Pro¬ vidence of God and the guidance of His Holy Spirit directs us. May He who has been so good to us in the past direct, guide and strengthen us during the year which, by His Mercy, we have been per¬ mitted to enter. * * *• CHRISTMAS. The Churches were tastefully and effectively decorated for Christmas Day by the following, to whom we offer our best thanks, and we also desire to gratefully acknowledge the gifts of flowers from those who contributed towards the de¬ corations : —■ ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH. The Altar: Mrs LI. Hughes. East End : Miss Arkiie and Miss Wood- ley, assisted by Messrs. R, H. and F. LI. Hughes. Lectern: Miss Smith (AnsteyV Pulpit: Miss Ada Buckley, Miss Dunphy, assisted by Messrs. F. LI. Hughes and G. Paul. Windows: Miss Felton, Miss Nathan Jones. Font: Mrs Roberts (Huyton). HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. The Altar : Miss Sherratt. East End: Mr Atkin and assistant gardeners (for Mrs John Walker). Pulpit: Miss Gardiner and Miss Davies, Glan Menai. Windows: Miss Buckley, Miss Sha.v (Bryn Alyn). Organ Chamber: Miss Buckley, Mu-b Shaw. Font: Mrs Brown, Miss E.tie JjiOw;; Flowers and contrjbudons were kindly sent by the following:—Mrs Arkle, 10s.; Mrs Ottiey, 5s. ; Mrs Mather, 5s. ; Miss Wiilliamson, 2s. 6d.; Miss Shaw, Peng- wern House, 2s. Flowers were kindly sent by Mrs Chamberlain, Miss Sherratt, Mrs Waddy, Miss Woodley, Mrs Parry, Bryn Alyn; Miss Buckley, Mrs W. H. Brookes, and Mrs LI. Hughes. * * * THE CHURCH EXTENSION. A meeting will be called of collectors and all interested in the Church Extension Movement early in this month and shortly after a meeting of the genera] committee will be held, and the committee will then take seeps to elect the architect for the new West Shore Church. It is hoped that as many as possible will make an effort to qualify for membership on the committee, and also that all' who kindly intend to subscribe will intimate their intention to the Secre¬ tary or Treasurer, or one oi" the collectors, or to the Rector as soon as passible. * # * THE PAROCHIAL TEA AND ENTERTAINMENT. There is no gathering more generally popular during the winter season in Llan¬ dudno than the annual Parochial Tea and Entertainment. All classes meet together ior friendly intercourse, good tea, and later on in the evening for a pleasant and popular entertainment. The day fixod for this season's Parochial Tea and Entertain¬ ment is Wednesday, Januarv 12th, the place is the Town Hall and the time of meeting a few minutes before half-past 4 hi the afternoon. Arrangements are being made to provide a tea up to the high standard of previous years> and pains are being taken to provide a musical enter-