PARISH MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1909. CHURCH EXTENSION IN . LLANDUDNO. The appeal on behalf of the work of Church Extension in Llandudno was pub¬ lished in our issue of last month, and it gives us great pleasure to be able to give in our present issue a very encouraging list of subscriptions. In connection with this we have to state that the sums given opposite some names are entered as first instalments only, and the donors have promised to give more as the work proceeds. There are others who intend to help who have not yet determined on the amount which they will give. It must also be noted that none of the amounts given or promised to the authorised col¬ lectors other than the Chairman, Secre¬ tary and Treasurer are entered, but they will all appear later on, and further that some of the best friends of the Church amongst us owing to the conditions of the holiday season have not yet been asked. We are, however, in a position to beg'n the new Church on the West Shore with¬ out delay. All the preliminaries have been settled with the Ecclesiastical Com¬ missioners as we have already stated. They have fixed the conditions!, but they allow us to choose our own architect, and, if we satisfy their conditions, select our own plans. As these matters w'll be determined by all subscribers or their re¬ presentatives all intending subscribers are invited to send in their names as soon as possible if they only enter a portion of the subscription they intend ultimately to give. We have a great and! noble work before us which should be done in a man¬ ner worthy of the great cause for which we are working and we may add worthy of Llandudno 'both as regards its present and its future. Amounts promised towards the above fund, a large proportion of which is paid. When not otherwise stated the sub¬ scriptions are given to the General Fund. £ s. d. Lord Mostyn ... ••• 100 0 0 Tho Lady Augusta Mostyn ... 100 0 0 Anonymous. In Memoriam for new Church ... ... 100 Mrs Alfred Pil'kington, for new Church -■- ... 50 0 0 0 0 Anonymous, for new Church... 25 0 0 Mr J. Adey Wells, J.P. The Misses Sherratt, for Holy Trinity Church. The Rev. LI. R Hughes, M.A., iRietetor! Rev. J. P. Rogers, M.A. ... The late Mr Rd. Conway ... Dr. Dalton, J.P ... " ... Mr T. P. Davies, St. George's Hotel Mr G. L. Woodley Rev. E. Tudor Owen. M.A., for Holy Trinity Mr Wm. Price ... Miss Harding Mrs Gough Miss Williams, Fever Hospital Anonymous, for Holy Trinity Mr C. H. Bevan ..." Mr R. Williams, Jeweller, Mostyn Street ... Miss Poppleton ... Mr W. Brownswood Miss Alice M. Laird Miss Ellen F. Laird Anonymous, for Holy Trinity Church Ditto, for new Church Dittto. for Holy Trinity Church Miss 0. B. Dorsett Mrs Carpenter (per Mrs Clayton Mrs Daish Gifts of portion of work. The following have been promised by an anonymous donor: Church altar and furniture, including oak tabie, frontals, frontlet, fair linen cloth, plain gradine with cross, vases, emdk-stf. ks, with the four posts carrying the Dorsal for West Shore Church. « # # THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. The Church of England fully recognises the liberty of the Christian conscience. This principle has its right place in re¬ ference to the great and important matter which may be designated as the prink Question. The Church enforces nothing as obligatory on a Christian which is not found in the New Testament, and so she allows her members to use without abus- 25 0 21 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 0 2 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 5