PARISH MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER, 1909. During the past month considerable progress has been made in connection with ouir Church Extension movement and the promises of valuable gifts and subscriptions have been xe- ceived, which will shortly be announced. The following appeal has also been issued: — CHURCH EXTENSION IN LLANDUDNO. The growth of the population, the continued advance in the number of visctoas, and the in¬ creasing numbers who attend our Churches, have made it necessary to undertake without delay a definite scheme of Church Extension work in Llandudno. After preliminary meetings at which the sub¬ ject was considered, a very largely attended public meeting, presided over by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, was held in the Town Hall, Llandudno, when the proposed work with regard to Churm Extension was fully placed before the Churehpeople of the Parish by (be Bishop, the Rector, the Church officers, and influential Laymen, and the following resolu¬ tion: was unanimously adopted:—"That this meeting of Churchpeople of Llandudno adopt, and eive their most earnest and -enthusiastic support to the plan of Church Extension as outlined." The work of Church Extension referred to in¬ cludes— (1) A new Church for Ihe growing d'strict on the West Shoce.—The Ecclesiastical Com¬ missioners have given land for the site in a most desirable position. (2). The completion of Holy Trinity Church -by (a) The erection of an adequate Chancel m place of the present insufficient and confined Apse. (b) The erection of a Side COiapel for special services, lectures and classes, for which the body of the Charch is irconvenient, and which is to be so erected as to meet the re- ouirements of ihe overflow congregations. " (c) Tne erection of suitable Clergy and Choir Vestries there being at present only one veiy inadequate Vestry which is used by Clergy, Choir and Sidesmen (d) The erection over the Vestries of a Church Institute and Library, for the use of Sidesman, Sunday School teachers, and other Churchworkers, which .Institution has become most necessary for the carrying on velopdng of Clrareh work. and de- The total amount required for the whole work contemplated has been estimated at £6,500. Subscriptions are asked for the whole work, but subscribers may aar-mark their con¬ tributions for any portion of the work which they specially wish to help forward. ' Subscriptions will be received by the under¬ signed and by the i uthorised collectors, or they may be paid into the "Llandudno Church. Ex¬ tension Fund" in any at the Llandudno Banks. All our Churches are open to everyone, all the seating 'a free throughout the Parish, and opportunities for worship aTe offered to resi¬ dents and visitors from all parts of the world; we therefore appeal in the strongest manner for generous contributions for the work which has been described abov3, and which we hope under the blessing of Almighty God will greatly tend toward., the gaewth of His Church, and the furtherance of His work not only in this district but amoag those who woiship here from all parti.—Llewelyn R. Hughes. M.A., Rector; Thomas Dalton, M.D., Nathan 0. Jones, Churchwardens. J. Adey Wells, J.P., treasurer. * * * ST. TUDNO'S CHURCHYARD. We are very glad to be able to arnounee that by the generosity of Load Mostyn a consider¬ able portion of ground will be added to St. Tudno's Churchyard. Owing to the deviation of the road to St. Tudno's Church and' the New Cemetery, it is now possible to add a p.'ece of ground to the Churchyard, ■which previously could not be enclosed, .as the road formerly was adjacent to the Churchyard wall. The Land between the new road on the south eastern side and the Churchyard has been given by Lord Mostyn to the Rector to be added to the Churchyard, and will shortly be en¬ closed. This will be gratifying news to the parishioners of' Llandudno, who long desired to see the Churchyard, which is now so full extended, and we all thank Lord Mostyn for *nothe,r of his many acts of goodwill and kind¬ ness towards the people and Church of Llan¬ dudno. Now that Lord Mostyn has given land for addition to the ' hurchyard the Rector and Churchwardens will be glad to receive sub¬ scriptions for the building of the necessary wall, unless a kind parishioner will be good enough to volunteer to build the wall at his or her own expense