PARISH MAGAZINE AUGUST, 1909. LLANDUDNO CHURCH EXTENSION. The general appeal with the first list of sub¬ scribers for the Llandudno Church Extension Fund iis baling printed, but 'it wall be kept open for a short time to ©liable all those who ■desire to have their names emtered among the first list of subscribers to intimate the amounts which they desire- to contribute. There is already a strong list of subscribers, but the Rector and tihe members of the Com- nuittee are very anxious that as many as pas¬ sable .of the friiencte of the Church in this neighbourhood should have their names exiter- ed in the first list that will go out to the public. 'This is the more necessary as accord¬ ing to what has been settled with regard to the building arrangements the subscribers themselves wtill have a determining voice in important matters connected with the work. and it is also necessary to submit plans at an early date for the approval of the Ecclesiastical Commi ssri oners. In case some of the friends of the Church may desire to do parte of the work of Church Extension themselves as thankofferingis or as memorials, we mention the following as suit¬ able for the purpose: — For the West Shore Churdh: Windows, Porch, Furniture, and portions of the build¬ ing. For Holy Trinity Church.-—One or both of the Vestries (Clergy and Choir), portions of the side chapel, Church Institute, Windows, Fur¬ niture, and portions of the extension to the Chancel for the matin building. The Secretary of tihe Church Extension Move¬ ment in Llan luuno will ibe gLad to supply all those who have promised, or who* are prepared to work in this movement with collecting books and boxes, which have been specially made, also with circulars setting forth in detail the work which is contemplated, both in connec¬ tion with Holy Trinity Church and the West Shore. * * » SPECIAL VESTRY. A Special Vestry meeting was held at St. George's Church, which wias adjourned to the Church Schools on Thursday, the first of last month, for the purpose of electing a Church- wardlen to succeed the late Mr Richard Con¬ way. The Rector presided, and there was an exceptionally large attendance After opening the Vestry the Rector said that the first thing they should do was to ex¬ press their deep sense of the loss they had all sustained by the 'death of the late Senior Churchwarden, Mr R .Conway, and he moved that it should be recorded on the minutes how great their sense of obligation was for the services of the late Mr R. Conway as Church¬ warden for the last thirty-five years, and that they should convey to Mrs Conway and to all the members of the family the expression of their sincere sympathy. This was unanimously carried, all standing. The Vestry then proceeded to the election of a People's Churchwarden. After four gentlemen had been duly nominated, the voting shewed a large majority in favour- of Mr Nathan Jones. The Rector then asked the Vestry whether it was their wish that the election be madei unanimous. On the motion of Mr W. Ellis Jones, seconded by Mr R. Royle, Mr Nathan Jones was unanimously elected Churchwarden. He was subsequently admited to office by the Archdeacon. The Vestry then proceeded to consider the matter of a suitable memorial to the late Mr R. Conway. It was unanimously resolved that a memorial fund be raised, and a committee was formed for the purpose, of which Mr W. Ellis Jones was elected hon. secretary. * # * MISSION WORKING PARTY SALE OF WORK. The annual sale of work in connection with the Church Mission Working Party, which during the last few years has been held in the Town Hall, was this year held in a spacious Marquee erected in the grounds of Holy Trinity Church. There were five stalls, and these were laden with an abundance of ornamental and useful articles, most of which were the work of the members of the Mission Working Party dur¬ ing tire winter months. The Rector, in opening tihe proceedings, said that he was glad that such an excellent show of articles was offered for sale. He said that the proceeds of the sale were divided among the most important Missionary Societies of the Church at home and abrotd The Rector, after complimenting1 the ladies on their excellent work said that he had great pleasure in asking Mrs John Walker to formally declare the sale open.