PARISH MAGAZINE JUNE, 1909. THE, LATE MR. RICHARD CONWAY. A gloom was cast over all Llandudno by the announcement on Friday the 21st of last month, of the death of Mr Richard Conway, who* for about 35 years had filled the office of Churchwarden of the Parish, and had held the foremost place in the public life of the district. His public work in this district cannot be adequately measured," but to Ghurchpeople his ser¬ vices to the Church overshadow all that he was and did in other directions. It is most difficult to realize at present that he who was so much to us all! has entered his rest and passed on to his reward. We cannot do better in recording our tribute to his memory than insert the ser¬ mon preached by the Rector on the Sun¬ day after his departure, adding only our expression of sincere sympathy with Mrs Conway and all the members of his family. We can assure them that there is a verv large number who truly and deeply sym¬ pathise with them in their great sorrow. The funeral took place in St. Tudno's Churchyard on Tuesday, the 25th of last month, and was, in accordance with his wishes, private, but a Memorial Service was held at the same hour in St. George's Church, and was largely attended by members of the public bodies and friends in the district.—R.I.P. At Holy Trinity Church on Sunday morning^ the Rector (Rev. Llewelyn R. Hughes, M.A.) preached a memorial ser¬ mon. Appropriate music was played and sung whilst a muffled peal was rung as the congregation assembled. The Rector took as his text the words from St. Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians, which appear in the burial service: "Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."—(I Cor. xv. 57). He said: — The victory of our Lord Jesus Christ, His perfect and complete victory as attained by His ascension to heaven, to His place on the right hand of the Father, is the truth which we celebrate in the Church at this season—the Ascension¬ tide, It is regarded in reference to the past with thankfulness, and in regard to the future with hope. The victory of our Lord Jesus Christ in the light of the Ascension is a matter to each one of His disciples of thankfulness and of hope, thankfulness for the work which He did in the past, hope in regard to the bless¬ ings which He promised before He left the earth, which would be bestowed as the result of His Ascension upon the Church. When we look outside the Church and con¬ sider the natural world, we find that these truths are reflected on all sides. We have reached that delightful part of the year, perhaps the most delightful of all, when the full springtide is passing into early summer. We find new life on all sides pre¬ vailing; "the winter is past, the rain is over and gone, the flowers appear on the earth, the time of the singing birds has come." Springtime full of beauty, life, and strength and hope. So even Nature speaks to us at this time of the year of victory and the joy of hope. St. Paul in the re¬ markable chapter out of which the words of the text are taken, a chapter so full of victory, so full of hope which is the privilege of all the members of our Church to hear read when those whom they love are taken to their long home— takes us a step further, and after describing the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ over death and the complete triumph over all things, which eventually will be His, proceeds to explain how the victory of Jesus Christ will result in a victorious life for all His followers. Victory over death and over evil was not only a victory for Jesus Christ Himself, but became the ground of hope, nay more, the assurance of cer¬ tainty that everyone who believes in Him will be a partaker of His victory and triumph. The truth which the Church teaches us to-day with regard to the great victory of Jesus Christ, and the great hopefulness with which as a result His Church has been inspired is surely eon- soling to so many of us who have assembled here to-day. We have been overtaken by a great sorrow, and where we are beginning to realise what a loss we have sustained—'though the word "loss" in this connection is not the correct ex¬ pression—by the removal of one who by God's grace was so much to us, whose