PARISH MAGAZINE, APRIL, 1909. HOLY WEEK AND EASIER, The minds of all true Church people are now directed towards the most sacred events which are commemorated during Holy Week and on Easter Day. Services have been arranged in the Churches which it is hoped will be helpful to all who desire to observe this season as the Church directs. The clearest call of the Church at this season is that all should partake of the Holy Communion on Easter Day, but the Church is equally de¬ finite with regard to careful preparation on the part of all who avail themselves of the highest privilege of the Christian religion. With this aim in view there will be special services daily in the Churches of this Parish, the details of which we give below, and we make our appeal to all to make an effort to avail themselves of the privileges offered to them. * * * HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. HOLY WEEK, 1909. The Rev. E. Tyrrell Green, M.A., Pro¬ fessor of Theology, St. David's College, Lampeter, will deliver daily at 7 p.m., a course of sermons on "The Way of the Cross." Palm Sunday evening, "The Way of the Cross." Monday evening "The Way of Patience" Tuesday evening, "The Way of Mortifi¬ cation." Wednesday evening, "The Way of Love." Thursday evening, "The Way of Prayer" Good Friday evening, "The Way of Victory." GOOD FRIDAY. On Good Friday, 12 noon to 3 p.m., the Three Hours' Service, conducted by the Rev. E. Tyrrell Green, M.A. Prayers. Hymn, 188. Introductory Address, "The Seven Words from the Cross, a Revelation of the true view of life." Hymn, 109. Address on 1st Word, "The true view of Sinners. Hymn, 184. Address on 2nd Word, "The true view of Penitents." Hymn. 180. Address on 3rd Word, "The true view of Friends. Hymn, 249. . , Address on 4th Word, "The true view oi Sin." Hymn,, 183. Address on 5th Word, "The true view of Pain." Hymn, 105. Address on 6th Word, "The true view of Work." Hymn, 108. Address on 7th Word, "The true view of God." Hymn, 301. Concluding Prayers. Nunc :• Dim : * * * As the singing of the hymns during the Three Hours' Service will be done by the congregation without the Choir being officially present, all who desJre to come are invited to be present at the practice of the hymns, which will be held after the service on Wednesday evening in Holy Week. * * * In St. George's Church, in addi¬ tion to the usual Welsh services on Good Friday special sermons will be preached on Monday, Tuesday and Wed¬ nesday evenings by the well-known Welsh Missioner, the Rev. Morris Roberts, vicar of Rhosybol, Anglesey, in Welsh. * * # EASTER DAY. On Eiaster Day there will be celebra¬ tions of the Holy Communion in Holy Trinity Church at 6, 7, 8, and after the 11 o'clock service, which will be fully choral. At St. George's Church there will be celebrations of the Holy Communion at 7 a.m., Welsh; 8 a.m., English (choral); 10 a.m., Welsh (choral), and after the 11-30, morning service. * * * CONFIRMATION. The Lord Bishop of Bangor will hold th eGonfirmatiion Service on Monday in Holly Week, that is April 5th, in Holy Trinity Church at 2-30 p.m. * * * EASTER OFFERING. The Churchwardens desire to state that they will be glad to receive the offerings of the Parishioners and members of the congregations towards the Rector's Easter Offering. Contributions may be paid to the National Provincial Bank, to the Churchwardens, or may be placed n a "Box for the Easter Offering" near tiie