PARISH MAGAZINE, /AARCH, 1909. THE OBSERVANCE! OF LENT. Now that we have just entered upon the season of Lent' w© make our appeal to all the members of the Church for their co¬ operation in the right observance of this time of special opportunitti'es. There are always difficulties in the way of those who desire to lead the Christian life, and the difficulties and hindrances of these days are very apparent to those who observe. There is no open persecution of Christian people of any kind—people are too in¬ different in the matter of religion for that, and one of the greatest difficulties we have to contend with is the widespread spirit of indifference and unconcern as to the things of God and that which is Eternal. Though people are largely unconcerned there is great eagerness on all sides in the pursuit of pleasure and worldly gain, and even those who profess higher things and may be sincere in the pursuit of them are in danger of being greatly hindered by the influences which daily surround them. There are also grosser forms of sin against which it is the duty of the Church to wage a continual warfare. All we have stated emphasise the importance of rightly using the opportunities which the Church at this time provides. We ask our readers to make every effort to attend and to in¬ duce others to attend the special services which have been arranged, some of which we give helow, while others will be an¬ nounced week by week during the services in our Churches and Mission Rooms. A course of sermons will be preached on Fridays during Lent by the Rev. Canon Giihert 0. Joyce, D.D., Warden of St. Deiniol's Library, Hawarden, in Holy Trinity Church, after Evensong, 7 p.m. The subject will be "The Titles of our Lord." 1. March 5th.—"The Son of David." 2. March 12th.—"The Son of Man." 3. March 19th.—"Th© Son of God." 4. March 26th.—"The Lamb of God." 5. April 2nd—"The Head of the Body." During Holy Week a series of addresses will be delivered by the Rev. E. Tyrell Green, M.A., Professor of Theology St. David's College, Lampeter, who will also conduct the "Three Hours" Service on Good Friday. ;ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH. On Wednesday evenings during Lent a course of sermons will be preached, in Welsh in St. George's Church, at 7 o'clock, by the Rev. J. LI. Richards, Vicar of Dolwyddelen. The subject will be the "Characteristics of a Christian." 1. March 3rd.—'"Poor in Spirit." 2 March 10th.—"Godly Sorrow." 3. March 17th.—"Meekness." 4. March 24th.—"Mercy." 5. March 31st.—"A Clean Heart," During Holy Week a series of sermons wf.ll be preached in Welsh in St. George's Church, by the Rev. Morris Roberts, Vicar of Rhosybol, Anglesey. * * * We give below the balance sheet of the Llandudno Church Magazine for the past year. It speaks for itself, and reflects the greatest credit upon all connected with the production and distribution of the Magazine, especially upon Mrs LI. Hughes and the excellent band of district Visitors—tiyhrough whose energy and faith¬ ful work the airculation has risen from about 80 copies a month to 750, and we are glad to notice that the number is still going up. It shows what good people can do when they are in earnest. Receipts. Receipts as per list ... 47 16 9 Expenditure. Printing local matter 12 months 19 4 0 Centres from H.W. Office ... 18 16 0 Carriage Magazine 12 months 15 3 120 Extra Pictures ••• 0 3 8 Stamps, Postage, etc. ... 0 7 11 700 Almanacs ... ... 2 9 0 Balance, Feb. 1909 ... 5 10 11 £47 16 9 Amount of Magazines sold by th© fol¬ lowing :—Miss Buckley, £4 Is. 2d.; Miss A. Buckley, £1 10s. 4d.; Miss Dunphy, 13s. 6d.; Miss Moxon, 13s.; Miss Marston, 16s. 7d.; Miss Nathan Jones, £1 4s. 2d.; Miss Wright, 10s. 8d.; Miss Chamberlain, £1 5s, 9d.; Miss Mather, lis.; Miss Felton, £2 Os. 6d.; Miss Peers, 13. 8d.; Miss Moores, 9s.; Miss Jephcott, 8s. 5d.; Miss Price, £2 18s. lOd.; Rev. Morgan-Jones, Is.; Miss Tyson, £1 Is. 6d. j Mrs Slbjad Roberts, £1; Mrs Brown,