PARISH MAGAZINE FEBRUARY, 1909. LLANDUDNO CHURCH EXTENSION The Provisional Committee appointed to carry out the' preliminary work in con¬ nection with the Church Extension on the West Shore and' at Holy Trinity Church, met during' the past month, and it was resolved to bring the subject be¬ fore all the congregations in the Parish on the first Sunday in February, and also that a meet'ng be called of sidesmen and Church workers, and all other Church members willing to co-operate in the work, and that the meeting be held at the earliest possible date in February. The formation of the acting committee has been deferred in order to enable all in¬ tending subscribers to be fully represent¬ ed, when all necessary details for procur¬ ing plans, etc., are decided on.— LLEWELYN R. HUGHES (Rector), Chairman. J. ADEY WELLS (Treasurer). NATHAN O JONES (Hon. Sec) * * * LENT. Before the end of this month we shall have entered upon the season of Lent, and in due time a full list of services will be announced, but in the meantime we are glad to inform our readers that the Rev. Canon C. Joyce, Warden of St. Deiniol's Library^ Hawarden, will give a course of sermons on Friday evenings, at Holy Trinity Church, and that the Rev. B. Tyrrell Green, Professor of Theology in It. David's College, Lampeter, will give a series of addresses in Holy Week and will conduct the Three Hours' Service in Holy Trinity Church. -* * * CONFIRMATION. The Lord Bishop of Bangor has fixed Monday, April 5th at 2-30 p.m., for hold¬ ing the Confirmation in Llandudno. There are classes for candidates arranged, which are announced every Sunday. If, however, there are some, especially senior candidates, who are unable to attend the classes, the Rector will be glad to arrange for their special preparation. All intend, ing candidates, who nave not already done so, are requested to send in their name© without delay. PAROCHIAL, TEA. On Wednesday, the 30th of December, the annual Parochial Tea was held in the Town Hall. This is one of the most populous functions of the year, and the gathering this year, notwithstanding the terrible weather with the frost and snow, was the largest we have witnessed on similar occasions. The arrange¬ ments were superintended by Mrs LI. Hughes, assisted by the following ladies, who presided at the tables:—;Mrs and the Misses Dalton, Mrs Peers, and the Misses Peers, Mrs E. W. Johnson, Mrs Mather, Mrs Woodhousa, Mrs and the Misses Eakin, Mrs Roberts (Huyton), Mrs Shad Roberts, Mrs Timms, Mrs Barrow, Mrs and Miss Parker, Mrs Bevan, Mrs Sutton Jones, Miss Buckley, Miss Price, Mrs Cotton, Mrs James Smith, the Misses Sherratt, Mrs Smith, Anstey; Miss Smith, Mrs Evans, Orme's View; and Mrs Evans, Trinity Square; Mrs John Walker, Mrs Piatt, Mrs Penney, Mrs Broome, Mrs Roskill, and Miss Beamish were unable to be present owing to the bad weather. The catering of Mrs Williams, Cambridge Restaurant, gave the utmost satisfaction. In the evening a miscellaneous concert was given, and after a long and excellent programme was ended, the Rector thank¬ ed all for their kind assistance. The surplus money after clearing the expenses of the tea and entertainment will be given to the 'Church Sunday Schools and Mis¬ sion Rooms of the Parish. We thank the following ladies and gentlemen for their kind donations, and also especially those who kindly under¬ took to sell the tickets:—• The Lady Augusta, Mostyn, £1; Mrs Healey, £1 Is.; Mrs Martin Wilson, £1 Is. ; Mrs Eckersley, £1 Is.; Mrs John Walker, £1 Is.; W. H. Hill, Esq., £1 Is.; Mrs Broome, £1; L. M. Curtler, Esq., £1; Mrs Pilkington, 10s. 6d.; Miss Broomhall, 10s. 6d.; Mrs Bersa, 10s. 6d; Mrs Williams (Cambridge), 10s. 6d.; Mrs Arkle, 10s.; Mils Buckley, 10s.; Mrs Piatt, 10s. ; Mrs Rogers, 10s,; Mrs Rokill, 10s.; Mrs Perrin, 10s.; The Misses Sherratt, 10s.; Miss Sheridan, 10s.; Mrs Chamberlain, 10s.; Mrs Bevan, 10s.; Mrs Reeves Hughes, 10s.;