PARISH MAGAZINE JANUARY, 1909. THE NEW YEAH. While "these lines are being written the year 1908 is quickly passing away, and when they are in the hands of our readers the New Year will have dawned. We hope and we pray that it will be fraught with, much blessing to all with whom we have had such pleasant relationship dur¬ ing the past year, and also to the new friends whom we hope to make during the coming one. We feel much thankfulness for all that wo have received as a Church during the past year, and for nothing more than for the cheerful, loyal and efficient help that has been given by the Ohurch Workers of the Parish during the year that has now passed. With regard to the Magazine Dis¬ tributors the testimony to the efficiency of their work is emphatic, and among other things is marked by a still further rise in the monthly circulation, which has now risen to 700 copies a month. We must all pray for God's help and blessing upon the important work which lies before the Church people of the Parish during the present year. A very important portion of which has already been referred to at length in the preceding issue of the Magazine. We specially refer to the work in connectlion with the New Church on the West Shore and the much- needed additions to Holy Trinity Church, towards which valuable help has already been promised. May we all seek the strength which will enable us to "work while it is day," encouraged by the words old yet ever new : — "O God our help in ages past, Our Hope for years to come." And may His Blessing rest upon us all during the year which by His mercy we have been permitted to enter upon. * * * LLANDUDNO CHUBJOH EXTENSION SCHEME. Though the appeal for subscriptions to¬ wards the West Shore New Ohurch and the additions to Holy Trinity Church has not been formally issued, the following spontaneous gifts are gratefully acknow¬ ledged : —An anonymous donor, £25, on condition that the Ohurch in the West Shore be the first part of the scheme to be taken in hand. On Christmas Day gold coins were placed in the offertory at Holy Trinity Church with direction that two half- sovereigns should be given towards the West Shore Churches and one-half soverign towards the additions to Holy Trinity Church. With reference to the above we may state that the resolutions passed at the public meeting will at the earliest possible date be put into effect, and that pending the formation of the Committee, the Rec¬ tor is chairman and Mr Nathan O. Jones, hon. secretary, Sandheys, Ohurch Walks ; and Mr J. Adey Wells, Lletty, Church Walks, is the hon, treasurer, and that the account is opened at the National Pro- vino: al Bank, Llandudno. * * * OHBjISTMAS decorations. The time-honoured custom decorating the Churches and Mission Rooms for the Christmas Festival was duly observed this last season, and the work of decorating • was very effectively carried out in our Churches and Mission Rooms. The work was carried out as follows: — ST. GEORGE'S OHURCH. East End: Mrs LI. Hughes, Miss Wil- liamson^ Miss Arkle, Miss Woodley, and Miss Mary Williams. Pulpit: Miss Ada Buckley, Miss Florence Wright. Lectern : Miss Smith (Anstey) and Miss Cotfcon. Font: Mrs Roberts (Huyton). Windows : Miss Nathan Jones and Miss Dunphy. Flowers and contributions were kindly sent by the following:—Lady Augusta Mostyn, Mrs Arkle, Mrs Ottley, Mrs Mather, Miss Shaw, Miss Williamson, Miss Buckley, and Miss Cotton. HOLY TRINITY. Altar : The Misses Sherratt. East End: Mr Atkin and assistants. Pulptft: The Mi:sses Marston. Organ Screen: Miss Farrungton and Miss Holt. Trancepts and Windows : Mr Atkin. Font: The Misses Pemberton, Mrs Dee, and Mtss Chamberlain. Flowers and contributions were kindly sent bv the following : —Lady Augusta