PARISH MAGAZINE NOVEMBER, 1908. With the close of the summer season and the beginning of the winter months we call attention to our various Church in- stitutons and organizations for which the winter season is specially favourable. We mention particularly the Ohurch Literary and Debating Society, the Society for Church Instruction and Defence, the Mis¬ sion Working Party, the Mothers' Meet¬ ings and the several Guilds and Classes, especially the class for sacred study, the times and places of holding which are being duly announced. We hope that all Churchpeople will make -an effort to join one or mor© of these associations as may suit them best, or be most helpful to them, and a request is made to those who have been members in past years to explain the nature of the work and invite others to accompany them to the meetings. « * * Our marriage entries for the present month are more than usually interesting, as the names will be found of several of those who have been well-known and much appreciated Church workers in various spheres in the parish of Llandudno. # * * On Wednesday, the 30th of September, in St. George's" Church, Miss Daisy Davies, of St. George Hotel, was married to Mr Arthur P. Penrose, of 45, Fordwych Road, London. Mrs Penrose was one of the most active and popular workers in connection with St. George's Church and Sunday School, and takes with her the best wishes of a large circle of friends to her new home, where we all hope that she will spend many happy and useful years. ♦ * ♦ On Monday, October 5th, in Holy Trinity Church, Mr William Atkin, gardener of Osborne House, and Miss Lily Elson, of Arundel House, Llandudno, were married. Mr Atkin's good work as one of the most artistic of our decorators and as a sidesman at Holy Trini/fcy, is much appreciated. Mrs Atkin has always been a faithful member of Holy Trinity, and we are glad that by their marriage we shall be able to keep both amongst us, and we feel sure they will be able to con¬ tinue their good work among friends whom they have known so long, and who all join in wishing them much happiness. # * * On Tuesday, October 20th, Mr Percy Whaley, of Watergate Square, Chester, and Mass Frances Alice Pemberton, of Kingston House, Llandudno, were mar¬ ried in St. George's Church. During his residence in Llandudno Mr Percy Whaley was an energetic and successful Church worker. He was one of those who rendered valuable service in connection with St. Beuno's Mission work, as one of the officers of the Literary and Debating Society, and as Superintendent of Holy Trinity Sunday School. Mrs Whaley was a faithful member of Holy Trinity, and always ready to help in work connected with the Church. We are glad that after leaving Llandudno Mr Whaley has been promoted to an important, position in his firm, and he and his bride will reside for some time in Manchester, and their many friends wish them all possible happiness. * * * On Wednesday, October 21st, Mr Samuel A. Simms, of Bath, and Mrs Foulkes, of East Parade, Llandudno, were married in Holy Trinity Church. Mr Simms is well-known in connection with the Ohurch work in Bath, and Mrs Foulkes has been for some years an active member of the Mission Working Party and a Church worker in connection w'th Holy Trinity Church. They will reside near Bath, and we wish them both much happiness. * * * We desii^e to offer our best thanks to the Ven. Archdeacon Evans and to the Rev. W. Morgan Jones, M.A., Examining Chaplain to the Bishop^ of Washington, U.S.A., for their kind assistance, and for the sermons which they preached in the course of last month when the Rector was away for his short holiday. * * * MOTHERS' UNION. There will be a servce for the members of the Mother's Union in Holy Trinity Church on Monday, November 9th, at 3 o'clock. The service will be followed by a meeting in the Church House. All mem-