PARISH MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1908, MMMPRIAL IN HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. It is generally believed that a more impressive service was never witnessed in Holy Trinity Church than that which was held on the last Sunday evening of last month, when the Memorial to the Bell- ringers of the Church who volunteered for service and died in the South African Warj was unveiled and dedicated. Some time before the beginning of the service the 'Church was full, and after the large Church had been filled to its utmost capacity many," who came, had to leave without gaining admission. The follow¬ ing branches of the Territorial Army were represented : The Royal Welsh Fusiliers, The Artillery and Imperial Yeomanry, and the members of the Fire Brigade also attended in uniform. The Dedication Service followed the Anthem, and took the place of the second part of the even¬ ing service. The special service began with the singing of a processional hymn, "O God our help in ages past," when the choir and clergy preceded by the cross- bearer and followed by members of the Guild of Bell-ringers, the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, the Imperial Yeomanry, the Artillery, and Fire Brigade, proceeded down the Nave to the west end of the Church, and formed round the portion of the Tower on which the Memorial is placed. After the Rector and Choir had read the introductory part of the Dedica¬ tion Service, the Memorial was unveiled by Capt. Tuxford, 6th Battalion R.W.F., after which it was dedicated by the Rector, representatives of the various bodies present also taking part. Special prayers followed, and the procession re¬ formed as before, and returned to their places, the choir and congregation sing¬ ing the hynrn^ "Onward Christian Soldiers." A special sermon for the occasion was preached by the Rector from the words of St. Paul, "Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, Quit you like men, Be strong" i. Cor. xvi. 13, who, in his sermon explained how the occasion emphasised the importance and the sacredness of ser¬ vice and work for the municipality locally considered, for the State with its far- reaohing possibilities and opportunities, and for the Church which is both local and universal, which work gains its highest dignilty when it includes the ele¬ ment of sacrifice and the honour is equal¬ ly great in the case of those who were being commemorated and who had per¬ formed their duty in what some may con¬ sider the humbler ranks of the public ser¬ vice, the Rector pointed out that the con¬ ditions necessary for all true work for the public good were those emphasised by St. Paul, "Watchfulness, Faith, and Strength." * * * HARVEST FESTIVAL. We were fortunate in our Day and also in our preachers for the Harvest Festival. Excellent sermons were delivered in St. George's Church by the Revs. J. R. Fuller, J. LI. Richards, R. Jones; by the Ven. Archdeacon Lloyd Jones and Rev. T. Lloyd at Holy Trinity; by the Rev. T. Lloyd at St. Tudno, and by the Revs. Ru Jones and W. Morgan at St. Beuno and Rodafon respectively. At the afternoon and all the evening services the congregations were very good, but it would have been more gratifying if larger numbers attended the earlier services, the Holy Comm anion ser¬ vices. The days fixed were perhaps rather too early for many of the parish¬ ioners, though during the past years there have been complaints that the Festival was observed too late in the year. All the Churches were very tastefully decuiated, and thanks are due to all who did that work. We give below Lhe list of decorators and contributors to the decorations of the several Churches and Mission Rooms. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH. Altar, Mrs Ll. R. Hughes. East end and reading desk, Mirs F mlke^, Miss Forss, and Miss Woodley. Pulpit screen and litany desk, Miss Alice Buckley, Miss Ada Buckley^ and Miss Florence Wright (Annerley). Lectern, Miss Smith (Anstey), Miss Thompson, and Miss Cotton. Trancepts, The Misses Dunphy. Windows, Mrs Foulkes, Miss Forss and the Misses Dunphy. Font, Mrs Roberts and the Misses Roberts (Huyton), and Miss Underwood. Pillars, Miss Nathan Jones, and Miss Florence Felton.