PARISH MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER, 1908. CHURCH EXTENSION AT LLANDUDNO. The arrangements agreed upon by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for the building of a new Church at the West Shore, in the parish of Llandudno, has been ratified by the Bishop of Bangor, and as soon as the details are completed a meeting of representatives of the Parishioners will be called, over which the Bishop of the Diocese has promised to pre¬ side, when the proposal with regard to the work will be duly explained, and a Committee will be elected to carry out the work. * * * THE CLERICAL .STAFF. The Rev. E. Lumley began bis work as one of the Curates of the Parish on the first Sun¬ day of last month, and will soon be well- known to the parishioners, who will not fail to respond to his energy and devotion to his work. During the summer months we have been fortunate in the Clergy who have given us the benefit of their temporary assistance, whose ministrations (have been greatly appreciated, and we offer our best thanks to the Rev. C. E. T. Wills, the Rev. F. Johnson, and the Rev. W. H. Nixon for their valuable help. There was a large number of applicants from England, Wales, Canada and America for the vacant curacy caused by the resignation of the Rev. J. Hughes, and the best qualified candi¬ date was Mr T. A. Morgan-Jones, of St. David's College, Lampeter, who has accepted the ap¬ pointment. It is hoped that he will be ordain¬ ed at the next Ordination, and will begin his work in the course of a montih or so. * * * HARVEST FESTIVAL. The Harvest Festival Services have been fixed for the Parish of Llandudno, to be held as follows: — St. Beuno,—Wednesday, September 23rd. St. George, Holy Trinity and St. Tudno's Churches, on Thucrsday, September 24th, and at Bodafon on Friday, September 25tJh, Contributions towards the decorations of the Churches and Mission Rooms are asked for as well as help in carrying out the decorations. * * * GIFTS TO THE CHURCH. It is again a pleasure to record gifts made to the Church. An anonymous donor has presented a beautiful picture, handsomely framed, of the Bishops present in London from all parts of the world for the Lambeth Con¬ gress, which will be placed in the Church House, and the same donor has given valuable books and other gifts far the use of our Sunday Schools, * * * BOOKS BY LOCAL AUTHORS. "YSTORYA DE CAROLO MAGNO." We aire glad to find that the Essay which was awarded the prize which consisted of a valuable gold medal and a considerable sum of money at the Rhyl Eisteddfod, and com¬ posed by the Rev. Robert Williams, B.A., formerly curate of this Parish, has been pub¬ lished as a book by the Cymmrodorion Society. The Book contains a translation of the old Mediaeval Classic, "Ystorya de Oarolo Magno (The Story of Charlemagne and his Paladins) with critical notes and a very ex¬ haustive and interesting introduction. The adjudeators, in awarding the prize, bestowed upon the work the highest praise, and Welsh soholairs and all interested in Mediaeval literature have now the opportunity of appre¬ ciating Mr Williams' researches in a depart¬ ment of old romance which is attracting more and more the attention of those who have learned to value Celtic lore. We can not do justice to the contents of the book \in the space at our disposal, but we hep© that soon Mr Wil¬ liams and the Cymmrodorion Society will see their way to publish the work at a price which will enable it to be generally reacl. There is at the end a touching reference to the late Mrs Robert Williams and to the help she con¬ tributed towards it, and the loving interest she took in, her husband's work. "THE HIDDEN GIFT." We are glad to welcome a second volume from the pen ■ of Kalamos.. the author of the interesting exhaustive and valuable work, "Prophetical Suggestions," who—it is an open secret—is a highly respected resident in Llan¬ dudno. The work before us is not prose, but poetry, and poetry of high merit too. The first poem, a hymn, gives the book its name, "The Hidden Gift." The subjects chosen are those which are some of the most sustaining in what the author refers to, in a short but impressive dedication, as the "Eternal Gospel." It is difficult to say wthich aire the best poems in the volume, but we consider "Simeon." pages 65, 66, as an excellent example from the Gospel story, and there is teaching that the