PARISH MAGAZINE AUGUST, 1908. GIFTS TO HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. In our last issue we appealed for a new- Bible for the lectern at Holy Trinity Church, and for a new Set of Books for the Clergy Stalls. We are glad to be able to state that there was a most prompt and generous re¬ sponse and a complete set of handsome and useful books have been presented to the Church. A set of three large Books of Common Prayer complete, bound in Morocco and gilt edges, is the offering of Mrs Arkle. The Bible for the Pulpit, Morocco gilt edges complete, with Apocrypha, is the offering of Mass Sheridan. The large Bible for the Lectern is the offer¬ ing of the members of the family of the late Br. HI R. Parker, and is given in his memory. All the books are handsome, useful and appropriate, and the Rector desires, on be¬ half of the congregation, to thank the kind donors for then* gifts. There is a special interest connected with the gift of the very handsome Bible fox the Lectern. Dr. Parker, in whose memory it was given, who was a scholar of much distinction, took great interest in Holy Trinity Church, Where he taught a class of young men, and also read the lessons in the Church for seven years. The Bible is a Royal Quarto, with a beauti¬ fully-designed tooled binding of best Turkey Morocco, with red under gold edges. The Bible is complete with the Apocrypha. All the Sunday, Holy Days and Daily Lessons are specially marked, and is similar to the Bible adopted in Westminster Abbey. On the front outside 'Cover the words, " Holy Trinity Church. Llandudno," are stamped in gilt letters, and on the inside also in gilt letter¬ ing on Morocco ground is the following in¬ scription:—"To the glory of God and in memory of Henry Richard Parker, LLD., who read the Holy Scriptures in this Church for seven years, 1895-1902. 'Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy'.—Rev. I. 3." * * * RECTORY BUILDING FUND. A donation of three guineas has been re¬ ceived in the course of last month towards the Rectory Building Fund from the Rev. J. P. Roigers. MISSION WORKING PARTY SALE OF WORK. The annual sale of work in connection with the Church Mission Working Party was held at the Town Hall, Llandudno, on Tuesday, June 30th. The stalls were prettily arranged, and were laden wdth a profusion of ornamental and useful articles, the bulk of which had been made by the ladies of the Mission Working Party..' The Rector, in opening the proceedings, said he was very glad that this year again they had such an excellent show of articles to offer for sale. He pointed out that the proceeds of the sale each year were divided between about twelve of the most important Missionary Societies. The Rector proceeded to pay a compliment to the faithfulness of the ladies who, through the dull winter months, had made the articles which vveie offered for sale. He hoped the old institutions would not be lost sight of in the great effort which was being made by the church during this year. Mrs Wilson then formerly declared the sale open. An attractive musical programme had been arranged by the Rev. J. P. Rogers, to which Mess Synge, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., of Man¬ chester, niece of Mrs R. S. Chamberlain; Mr Tipping, Miss Buckley, Miss Foster, and Miss Bone, contributed items. The following ladies presided at the Stalls: /* Fruit and Flower Stall.—Mrs Dalton, Mrs Walker, and Miss Dalton. Plain Work Stall,—Mrs LI. Hughes, Mrs Roberts (Huyton), Mrs Shad Roberts, Mrs and Miss Nathan Jones. Fancy Stall.—Miss Penney, Miss Buckley. Mrs James Smith, Miss L. Price, and Miss Plank. Tea Stall.—Mrs Peers, Mrs Chamberlain, and Mrs R. W. Richards. j Sweet Stall,—Miss Broome. The tea, the musical entertainments, which were of a very high order, and the pleasant company, made the afternoon a very pleasant one. We give below the balance sheet: — RECEIPTS. Tea Stall ... ... ... 16 8 2 Flower and Fruit Stall... ... n 9 0 Plain Work Stall ... ... 10 16 10 Fancy Work Stall ... ... 9 0 4 Sweet Stall ... ... ... 3 11 5 Ticket Money ... 4 7 6 £55 13 3