PARISH MAGAZINE JULY, 1908. THE PAN ANGLICAN CONGRESS. The events connected with the Pan- Anglican Congress have been a matter of pride and great thankfulness to Church- people throughout the world, and we trust that the lessons taught us by this great gathering will be duly considered, and that we shall not shirk the solemn duties to which we are called by this great event. The contribution from the parish of Llandudno included in the offering in St. Paul's Cathedral was £45, which was given as follows : — St. George's Church Pan-Anglican Box, £4 18s. 4d. (including 10s. from Mrs Tudor Owen); Holy Trinity Church Pan-Anglic an Box, £18 12s. 8d. (including 10s. from Mr E. Foulkes- Griffith and 5s. from Mr Button Jones). Sent direct to the Rector : Miss Popple- ton, £1; Miss Adah Sherratt, £1; Mr W. H. Hill, £5; Mrs J. Walker, £1; Mr and Mrs Shad Roberts, £1; Llandudno Parishioner, 10s.; Mrs Pilkington, £5; The Rector, Mrs LI. Hughes, Rhodri, Frederick, and Darrell Hughes, £5; from a collection, £1 18s. ; total, £45. The above was the amount offered at St. Paul's, but it is possible that a further sum may be sent from this parish. * * * ST. TUDNO'S CHURCH RESTORATION. In our May issue we gave the balance sheet of the Restoration of St. Tudno's Ciinrch, and as promivd we now give a detailed list of the subscriptions and also of the special gifts whkh have added so much to the beauty and dignity of our ancient and historic church. Collected by Miss Dalton:—Miss Moffatt, £1 Is.; Mr and Mrs Bevan, £2 2s.; Mr R. D. Owen, £1 Is.; Miss Annie Shaw, 10s. 6d.; Mrs "Pilkington, £5; Mrs Bradbury, £5; Mrs Wight Boycott, £1 Is.; Mrs Grose, £1 Is.; Mrs Atkinson, 10s. ; Rev. J. T. Jones, 10s. 6d.; Rev. R. E. Jones, 10s. 6d. ; Rev. Arthur Jones, 10s. 6d.; Miss Fielding, £1 Is.; Mrs Allanson Johnson, £1 Is.; Dr. Bold Williams, £1 Is. ; Lady Le Neve Foster, £5 5s.; ~Mjiss Alice A. Barker,.£3 3s.; Anon (per Dr. Dalton), £5; total, £35 9s. Od. Paid direct to N.P. Bank:—Mrs Reeves Hughes, £1 Is.; Miss Davies, St. George Hotel, 10s.; C. E. W., 5s.; E. H. R., 2s. 6d.; Mrs T. Roberts, £1 Is.; Mrs Arthur Jones, 5s.; Mrs H. Reading, £1 Is.; Mr Percy Walker, £1 Is.; Holy Trinity Collection, £5; Offertory at St. Tudno's : Miss Williamson, £1 Is.; Miss Williams, Royal, £2 2s.; Mrs Jameson, £1 Is.; Mr R. D. Owen, £1 Is.; Mr E, Jordan, 2s. 6d.; cash, £18 Os. 7d.; Mrs Arkle, £25; Mr Wells, to meet Bank charges, 16s. 2d.; total, £64 5s. 9d. Subscriptions received by the Rector: —Mr L. M. Curtler, £10; Lady Augusta Mostyn, £25; Mr A. N. Conway, £2; Lord Mostyn, £15; Mrs Spibey, £110 10s. ; from a friend, 10s. ; Mr and Mrs E. W. Johnson, £2 2s.; Misses Sherratt, £1; Mr R. S. Chamberlain, £5 5s.; Mrs Harvey, £2 2s. ; Mr Adoniah Evans^ £1 Is.; Anon, £1 Is.; Misses Woodley, £1; Mrs Piatt, £10; Mr John Walker, £25; Anon, £40; Executors of late Mr J. Broome, £20; Mrs Broome, £5; Mr Geo. L. Woodley, £2 2s.; Mr T. P. Davies, £5; Mr O. S. Pilkington, £2 2s. ; Mr R. Conway, £5; Anon, £5; Dr. Lalton, £5 Mr C. B. Morgan, £1 Is.; Mr E. Jordan, Mr E. B. Moore, £1 Is.; Mrs Marriner Brigg, £2 2s. ; Mr S. F. Cooper, £1 Is. ; Mr W. H. Hill, £5; Mr Emanuel Jones, 10s.; Rev. LI. R. Hughes, £5; Anon (per Rector),, £15; Mr Tomkinson, 10s. ; collection, £1 6s. 5d.; total, £333 6s. 5d. To the general work of restoration the following special gifts are to be added: — Altar furniture, from Mrs Spibey; the seats in oak, from Mrs Spibey; painted memorial window, from Lady Le Neve Foster; painted memorial window, from Mr Adey Wells; two painted memorial windows, from Mrs Arthur Jones; paint¬ ed memorial window, from Mrs Piatt; service books and Bibles, from Lady Le Neve Foster; memorial gateway by an anonvmous donor. * * * ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH. A beautifully worked wh'fte silk ante- pendium for the pulpit of St. George's