PARISH MAGAZINE JUNE, 1908. PAN ANGLICAN SYNOD. The great event which overshadows all others in the history of our Church dur¬ ing this month is the Pan Anglican Con¬ gress, which will be held in London dur¬ ing this month. The work of the Con¬ gress will be again brought before our congregations, but we desire to lay special stress upon the Thankoffering which is asked for, to be presented in St. Paul's Cathedral on St. John the Bap¬ tists day, June 24th. All who desire to send their contributions from this parish are requested to forward them to the Rector as soon as convenient, and he will be glad to supply all who desire more knowledge on the subject with papers containing information with regard to the various objects to which the Thankoffer¬ ing fund is to be devoted. * * * CONFIRMATION. The Lord Bishop of Bangor held a Con¬ firmation service in Holy Trinity Church on Friday, the 22nd of last month. The following is the list of candidates, one of whom being too infirm to attend the ser¬ vice in church wjas confirmed by the Bishop in Dr. Barnardo's Home: — Robt. Edwards, 2, Colne House^ Stephen Street; Griffith Jones, 4, Deganwy St.; Arthur Jones, Hemingford, Caroline Street; Hughie Roberts, 98, Mostyn Street; Henry Danes, Hut; John Hugh Roberts, The Mount, Tygwyn Road; Alfred Jones, Pantywern; Thomas Richard Evans, Mount Pleasant, Pen- rhynside; Elsie Worrall, Plas Tudno; Sarah Richardson, 6, Bodaf on Row; May Rawling, Cwlach Road; Edith Hodson, St. George's Hotel; Rosina Tipton, Cliff Dale ; Florence Ada Bradley, Heron Gate, Victoria Avenue; Norah Morday Balfrey, Finchley House, York Road; Esther Alice Aldridge, St. Petroch's; Sarah Ann Jones, Craigydon Boarding House; Julia Burns, Dr. Barnardo's Home; Alice Mag- gerson, ditto ; Ethel Parry Payne, ditto ; Norah' Newman, ditto ; Georgina Puddis- foot, ditto; Margaret Clifford, ditto; Louisa Evans, Miaesteg, Great Orme Road. ARCHDEACON'S VlSITATION. On Friday, the 8th of last month, the Archdeacon of Bangor held his, court for the admission to office of the church¬ wardens and sidesmen of this parish, in the Church House of Holy Trinity. After the court all adjourned to the Church, where a service was held, followed by an impressive sermon by the Archdeacon on our National and religious privileges and opportunities, and the consequent respon¬ sibility which lay upon us as a nation'and a church. The annual dinner was given in the Royal Hotel, when about 70 churchwardens and sidesmen were pre¬ sent. After dinner, in proposing the toast of the "Church and King,'- the Rec¬ tor gave a resume of their work during the past year and their plans for the future, which have been extensively re¬ ported. In responding Archdeacon Mor¬ gan dwelt upon the importance of the Pan Anglican Synod. Speeches were also given by Mr Conway, Dr. Dalton, Mr Sutton Jones, and Mr Arthur Hughes. The speeches were followed by some music, and a pleasant evening was spent. * * * ST. TUDNO'S AND HOLY TRINITY. A meeting of the Sidesmen of these Churches was helld in the Church House at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 19th, the Rector in the chair. The following sides¬ men were appointed for attendance in the Vestry after the Sundav services:—Mr Brown, Mr T. Evans, Mr Hill, Mr Shad Roberts, Mr S. Roberts, junr., and Mr Royle. The following sidesmen wished to be relieved from attendance in August: — Dr. Davies, Mr Winch, and Mr T. Evans. No alteration was thought necessary at St. Tudno's. It was then considered what steps should be taken to commemorate the death of two of the bell-ringers of Holy Trinity Church during the South African war. Mr G. Evans proposed and Dr. Davies seconded the following resolu¬ tion :—"That a memorial brass be placed in the church." Carried unanimously. Proposed by Dr. Dalton, seconded by Mr Sutcliffe—"That a sum of £20 be raised for the purpose." It was suggested and approved that all the sidesmen and bell-ringers should be- ceive subscriptions and forward the move-