PARISH MAGAZINE /AAY, 1908. EASTER. Iu was very gratifying to find that the numbers who attended Church on G-ood Friday are increasing and satisfactory to see that numbers, specially young men, evidently on a holiday, had broken their journey and took part in a Three Hours' Service at Holy Trinity Church. The Three Hours' Service was impressively conducted by the Eev. D. W. Evans, whose addresses were a great help to those present. Easter Day was bright, and the congregations were very large, as were also the number of communicants, and we feel grateful for a very happy day; the blessings of which we trust will be per¬ manent. We take this opportunity of thanking the Rev. R. W. Clarke, the Rev. D. W. Evans, the Rev. W. P. Whitting- ton, the Rev. J. P. Rogers, and the Rev. P. H. Rees for valuable help during Holy Week at Eiaster. EASTER DECORATIONS. The Churches were beautifully de¬ corated for Easter. The chaste, skilful, artistic and symbolic manner in which the work was done reflected great credit on those who did the work. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH. The Parish Church of Llandudno was very tastefully decorated as follows: — East End, Mrs Hughes, Miss Williams, Miss Arkle, and the Misses M. and E. Hughes. Pulpit: The Misses Buckley and Miss Wr%ht. Lectern: Miss Smith. Windows: Miss Nathan Jones, Miss Dunphy, Miss G. Jones, and Miss Wright. ■Screen: The Misses Buckley. Font: Mrs Roberts (Huyton). HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. A beautiful and symbolic design was worked out by Mr Atkins, gardener, Osborne House, and the decorations were carried out as follows in a very tasteful manner:—The Altar: The Misses Sher- ratt. East End: Mr Atkins, gardener, Osborne House, and assistants. Pulpit: The Misses Marston. Organ chamber: Miss Farrington, Miss Holt, and Miss Dalton. Windows: The Misses Pember- ton and Mr Percy Whaley, assisted by Miss Poppleton and the Misses M. and E. Hughes. Font: Mrs Brown. Flowers and donations were kindly sent by the following : —The Lady Augusta Mostyn, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Roskill, Mrs Pilkington, Mrs Arkle, Mrs Piatt, Mrs Martin Wilson, Mrs Mather, Mrs Wright, Mrs Llewelyn Hughes, Mrs Alfred Hughes, Mrs Ottley, Mrs Waddy, Mrs Roberts (Huyton), Mrs Dee, Mrs Brown, the Misses Woodley (Mostyn Villa), Miss Harding, the Misses Sherratt, Miss Bamford, Miss Shaw, Miss Popple¬ ton Miss Edgell, Miss Williamson, Miss Penney, Miss Gladys Evans, the Misses Marston, Miss Fox, Miss Sebane, Miss Andrews, Miss Holt, Miss Farringtui, the Misses Pemberton, Miss Daisy Davies (George Hotel), Mr T. P. Davies Mr W. H. Hill, Mr Buck, Miss Moses, Miss Fawke, and Mrs T. Evans. A beautifully worked Chalice Veil, wrought by herself, was presented to St. George's Church for Easter by Miss V. Woodley. * * * EASTER VESTRY, 1908. The Easte Vestry was held at St. George's Church and adjourned to the National Schools on Thursday, April 23rd, 1908 and there were present the Rector, the Rev. LI. R. Hughes, the Rev. J. Hughes, the Rev. W. E. Jones, Dr. Dalton, Mr R- Conway, Miss Conway, Messrs W. Ellis Jones, Farrington Cot¬ ton, Bowdage, J. E. Hornsby, Lucking, G. Evans, James Garrett, Ellis, F. Brown, S. Brown. Flood, Cooper, Nathan 0. Jones, Hicky, G. Williams, Little, J. ,Smith, Harris,' J. Salisbury, Brockle- hurst, Griffiths, Jones, Hughes. When the minutes had been read the Vestry proceeded to elect the Warden and Sidesmen for the year. 1 Mr W. Eillis Jones proposed and Mr Conway seconded that the minutes be carried. Mr R. Conway then presented his state. , ment of the accounts for the year, and it was stated that the collections at the Churches this year had increased by £118. The accounts were then adopted unani¬ mously.