PARISH MAGAZINE APRIL, 1908. HOLY WEEK AND EASTER. We are about to enter the most solemn season of the Christian year, which ends ■with the Crowning Day of Christendom- Easter Day. During Holy Week the thoughtis of all of us should be turned to '.the most sacred facts of our Faith, which remind us of the suffering and atcmemeht of our Lord. That leads u's to a joyful comanemoraton of His triumph over Sin and Death on Easter Day. In these days of laxity with regard to religious thought Christian people should more than ever dwell upon and cherish the great facts of their faith. During Holy Week there will be special services every morning and evening and on Good Friday, in addition to other ser¬ vices in the Ohurdhes, the Three Hours' Service will be held in Holy Trinity Church, which will be conducted by the Rev. D. W. Evans, Rector of Llanhaiarn. Vale of Clwyd. On Easter Day there will be celebra¬ tions of the Holy Communion in English as follows : — St. George's Church.—8 a.m., 12 45 Holy Trinity Church.—6 a.m., 7 am,, 8 a.m., 12 15. Also~in Welsh at St. George's Church, 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. » ♦ ♦ RECTOR'S EASTER OFFERING. The Churchwardens will be glad to re¬ ceive the contributions of those who desire to give towards the Easter Offering for the Rector this year. Contributions towards the Easter Offering may also be paid direct to the National Provincial Bank, Llandudno. It is respectfully asked that the amounts be paid before Easter Day. T DALTON. R. CONWAY. Churchwardens. , * * EASTER DECORATIONS. Contributions either of flowers or of money are respectfully asked for towards the decoration of the Churches for Easter, also worker's who will help in the decora¬ tions are invited to signify their desire to assist. Promises of contributions or hdrp will be gladly received by Mrs LI. Hughes? the Rectory. WEST WINDOW, HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. For some time past the stone work of the WeSt Window in Holy Trinity Church has been in process of rapid decay, and it has been found on examination that it is not safe to leave it longer as it is. It is therefore proposed, as intended when the Church was re-roofed, to place a hew win¬ dow more in harmony with the other parts of the Church worked in durable stone. The Rector and Churchwardens have re¬ served money in hand to erect the win¬ dow, but not to fill it with painted glass. It is a very convenient opportunity for anyone who wishes to place in the Church a handsome memorial window as the stone tracery if desired will all be provided. The Rector will be glad to hear from anyone who would like to undertake this work. As it is a matter of urgency it is respectfully requested that intimation that the offer will be entertained be sent in not later than Saturday, the 18th inst. * * * CONFIRMATION. The Confirmation Service which had been fixed for the 8th of this month has been postponed until the latter part of May. We hope to give the exact date in our next issue. In the meantime the classes of preparation are proceeding, and as there is extended time for preparation any, who desire to be confirmed, and have not'sent in tneir names, are requested to do so at their earliest convenience. MOTHERS' * UNION. There was a good muster of members of the Mothers' Union at the Anniversary Service in Holy Trinity Church, on Wed¬ nesday, the 25th of last month, the anniversarv of the Blessed Virgin Mary. An interesting and appropriate address was delivered at the service by the Rev. R Arnold Edgell. * » *• G.F.S. After seven years of faithful ser¬ vice Mss Robinson has resigned her 'position as Matron of the G.F.S. Lodge at Llandudno. We greatly regret that the cause of her resig¬ nation is ilLhealth, and hope that with