PARISH MAGAZINE MARCH, 1908. THE SEASON OF LENT 1908. The season which offers so great oppor¬ tunities for the deepening and the stimu¬ lating of spiritual life is about to begin, and this year during the weeks of Lent matters of the greatest concern for the welfare of the Church throughout . the world will be brought before the members of the Anglican Communion in every land. Preparations for the great Pan-Anglican Conference, which will begin with services in Westminster Abbey on the fifteenth day of next June, are now being made, and from the 249 Dioceses of that branch of the Church to which we belong covering so great an area of the whole world representatives including Bishops, Priests and Laymen have been invited to confer upon the problems, which it is the duty of the Church to face in all lands. The Congress will deliberate upon the work of Missions to the Heathen; the building up of independent Churches; the Unity of Christendom; the promotion of a true Christian Spirit in the dealings of man with man, and race with race; the supply and training of the clergy for all lands, national sins, as well as social, in¬ dustrial, scientific and educational pro¬ blems. ' All Church people everywhere should learn to feel that they have an interest and a part in this great work, and it is our duty to endeavour to learn all we can about the Saviour's work in foreign parts as well as at home, and to study how by work, by self-sacrifice and prayer we can help forward His work among men. While we have our minds turned to¬ wards the work and the needs of the Church in our own and in foreign lands, we must not overlook the work to be done in our hearts and with our own lives, and special services and sermons have been arranged in our Churches to help Church- people and all who desire to avail them¬ selves of the privileges, in their endeavour towards this end. . The special preachers at Holy Trinity Church will be as follows : — March 13th.—The Rev. R. Hughes, Carnarvon. * March 20th.—The Rev. J. W. Roberts, Vioar of Conway. ' ' March 27th.—Oanon Roberts, Colwyn Bay. CONFIRMATION. The Lord Bishop of Bangor proposes to hold a confirmation service in Holy Trinity Church on Wednesday, April 8th. All who desire to be confirmed are re¬ quested to send in their names as soon as possible and to attend regularly one of the confirmation classes. The Rector will be glad to make special arrangements for the preparation of those Who are prevented by circumstances from attending the regular classes. * * * TENNYSON LECTURES. The Rector desires to thank all those who assisted to make his lectures on Tennyson and the Victorian Era such a marked success. First of all Miss Broome, Miss Pilkington, and Miss Walker, whose work was above praise. Then Mrs Pilk¬ ington for. her generosity in providing the refreshments. Very great credit too is due to those who assisted in the arrange¬ ments, especially the ladies, who so efficiently sold * the tickets; Mr T P. Davies for his kindness in giving the use of the room, as well as for his goodwill, and that of his staff in all their work throughout the series, and last but not least to Lord Mostyn, Col. the Honble H. Lloyd Mostyn, and Mr R. S. Chamberlain, who so kindly acted as presidents. We give below the balance sheet: — RECEIPTS. Sale of Tickets ... 34 12 0 Door Money ... ... 4 12 6 Anonymous ... ... 5 0 0 £44 EXPENSES. Printing .. 1 .. 1 16 Sundries Balance .. 41 £44 4 6 * * * ST. BEUNO'S MISSION ROOM. On Wednesday afternoon, the 19th of last month, the annual tea and entertain¬ ment were held .at 6b. Benno's Mission Room. About 160 children and adults sat down to the excellent tea provided and the following ladies presided at the tables : Mrs Richards, Mrs Roberts (Peny-