PARISH MAGAZINE FEBRUARY, 1908. THE CHURCH DAY SCHOOLS. la the course of this month the election of Representative Managers to the Church Schools in Conformity with the Education Act of 1902 will be held, and all sub¬ scribers who have paid 2s. 6d. annually for three years shall be entitled to vote. It is important that subscriptions should be paid regularly, and those who have not yet paid should do so before the 28th of this month. Notice will be sent in writing to all qualified voters stating the day and manner of voting, which also will be post¬ ed on the Church Doors. The following subscriptions to the Church Day Schools have been received: Mr L. M. Curtler, £3 3s.; M}r J. Arthur Thompson, 10s. 6d. The sum of £5 has been received from Mrs. Walker, Osborne House, towards the Rectory Building Fund, and an anonymous donor has given as thank offering the sum of £20, to be used at the Rector's discretion between St Beuno's Mission Room and St. Tudno's Church. LECTURES ON* TENNYSON AND THE VICTORIAN ERA. It has been very gratifying to find that the lectures delivered by the Rector, with the assistance of Miss Broome, Miss Pilkington, and Miss Walker, have been so greatly appreciated. The final lecture of the series will be delivered D.V. on Thursday evening, 6th February, in the Concert Room of the St. George Hotel, when Colonel the Hon. H. Lloyd Mos- tyn will preside. The subject of the con¬ cluding lecture will be Tennyson's work, having regard to the Religious and Ethical Movements in the Victorian Eira, and illustrative readings from the Poet's masterpieces,, not hitherto dealt with, will be given bv the young ladies, who have won for themselves so much distinction by their excellent work during the preceding lectures. MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTORS' ANNUAL MEETING. The annual general meeting of the Dis¬ tributors of the Magazine was held in the Chutodh llouse, on the 1st of last month. The tteietor presided, and the following were present:—Mrs LI. Hughes, Mrs Shad Roberts, Mrs Sutton Jones, Mrs Brown, Miss Buckley, Miss G. Brown, Mass Dunphy, Miss Nathan Jones, Miss Jennings, the Misses Marston, Miss G. Mather, Miss Moxon, Miss Mores, Miss Owen, Miss Price, Miss Sherratt^ Miss Shaw, Miss Watterson, and the Rev. W. E. Jones. The Rector thanked all the distributors present for their valuable help during the piastyear, and he was glad to tell them that by their efforts the magazine had now* the widest circulation of all the local jour¬ nals, and that 680 copies were distributed every month. (We are now happy to state that the number has reached 700). When the Calendar for the present year had been decided upon, and the several districts for distribution settled, the meet¬ ing was ended. * * * PAROCHIAL, TEA. On Wednesday, the 8th of last month, the annual Parochial Tea was held in the Town Hall. Since its inauguration it has been the most populous function of the year, and this year's gathering was equally as successful as in past years, although the inclement weather prevented many from being present- All the arrangments were superintended by Mrs LI. Hughes. The tables were neatly arranged in various parts of the Hall., and the catering of Mrs Stones gave the utmost satisfaction. The following ladies presided at the different tables:—Mrs Broome, Mrs Roberts, Huyton; Miss Buckley, Miss Conway, and Miss Williams, Royal Hotel; Mrs Dal ton, Mrs Piatt Mrs Woodhousev Mrs Mather, Mrs Baxter, Mrs Penney, Mrs Nathan Jones, Mrs Walker, Mrs Parker, Mrs Healey, Mrs Peers. Welsh Table: Mrs iSmith, Anstey; Mrs Magil- ton, Mrs Jones, Derwenle; Mrs Evans., Orme's View; Mrs Evans, Trinity Square. The following rendered assistance in various ways :—Messrs J. Smith, W. Les¬ ter, S. F. Cooper, Arthur Jones, T. Flood, O. Willams, C. Bowdage, Rev. G. H. Har- rson, Rev. J. Hughes, and Rev. W. E>. Jones. In the evening a, miscellaneous concert was given, and when a long and excellent