PARISH MAGAZINE NOVEABER, 1907. HARVEST FESTIVALS. The Harvest Thanksgiving Services <at the Churches this year were marked by large congregations. Each church had been prettily decorated with flowers, fruit, grain, as well as the more homely vegetable. St. George's and Trinity Churches presented a most pleasing appearance, and reflected great credit on the willing ladies and gentlemen, who de¬ voted their time and talent to the work, more especially the ladies who were inde¬ fatigable in their efforts to obtain at once a pretty and appropriate effect. The Church of St. Tudno was also beautifully decorated for the service on Thurs¬ day afternoon, the whole of the work being undertaken by Mirs and the Misses Dalton. ST. GEORGE'S. At the Parish Church of St. George the rite of Holy Communion was administered at 8 a.m., followed by matins and sermon at 11 30, the preacher being the Rev. J. Griffith, vicar of Old Colwyn. At 10 a.m. the holy Communion was administer¬ ed and an address given by the Rev. J. Griffith, Old Colwyn. In the evening a Welsh service was held, at which the Rev. J. W. Wynne Jones, Carnarvon, preached. At this church the following ladies assisted in the decoration: — East End,—Mrs Llewelyn Hughes, and the Misses Williamson. Pulpit.—Misses Mather and Miss Wright. Lectern.—Miss Smith, Anstey House, and Miss Cotton. Font.—Mrs Roberts, Huyt-on. Windows.—Miss Edith Felton, Miss Edgell, and Miss Nathan Jones. The beautiful Altar flowers and grapes were the gift of Mrs Pilkington, and gifts of flowers, fruit, grain, etc., were sent by Lady Augusta Mostyn, Mrs Mather, Mrs Percy Walker, Miss Moxon and scholars, Miss Ada Brookes, Mrs Newman, Mr John Jones, Dinarth Hall; Miss Mary Wil¬ liams, Clifton Road ; Mr Thomas Roberts, Wyddfyd Villa, Miss Cotton, Mrs Swann, Miss Williamson, Mrs Joseph, Craigle; Miss Wright, Miss Bamford. HOLY TRINITY. At Holy Trinity" Church Holy Com¬ munion was celebrated at 8 a.m., and ser¬ vices were held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The preacher at the morning service was the Rev. L. Jenkins, Port Dinorwic, and at the evening the Rev. J. W. Roberts, vicar of Conway. The ladies and gentlemen who assisted in the decorations were : — Altar.—The Misses Sherratt. East End:—Mr Atkins, head gardener at Mr John Walker's gardens, and assist¬ ant gardeners. Screen.—Mrs Llewelyn Hughes, Miss Buckley, Miss Penney, Miss Parker, Miss Gladys' Roskill, Mrs' Philip Rees, Miss Pilkington. Notice Boards.—Miss Chamberlain, and Miss Broome. Lectern and Candlesticks.—Miss Buck- ley. Font.—Mrs and Misses Brown and Mrs Roberts, Jubilee House. Organ Chamber.—Miss Farrington and Miss Holt. Transeepts.—Mrs Sutton Jones, Miss Blakey, Miss Mary Williams. Windows.—Mr and Mrs Swann. Pulpit.—Misses Marston. Pillars and Arches.—Mr Atkins and assistants. Contributions of fruit and; flowers were sent by Lady Augusta Mostyn, Mrs Sut¬ ton Jones, Mrs Denniston Sword, the Misses Sherratt, Mr and Mrs Brown (Coventry), Mr Day (Llandudno), Mrs Walker, Miss Jones, Holiday Home ; Mr Winch,'Miss Marston. Mr W. H. Hill. Miss Fox, Almora House; Miss Dixon, Mrs Martin, Mrs Shed Roberts, Mrs Chamberlain, Miss Peebles, Mass Parker, Miss Price, Miss Maud Birch, Mrs Mar¬ garet Roberts, Bodafon; Mr and Mrs Swann, Mrs Blakey, a Lady Visitor, Messrs Newman and Co., Miss Broome., Miss Tatton, Miss BroomhaJl and Miss Gladvs Evans, Miss Gladys RoskiH. ST. TUDNO. The Vicar of Carnarvon, the Rev. J. W. Wynne Jones, was the special preacher at St. Tudno on Thursday afternoon, when the weather being fine there was a large attendance. The decorations were done by Mrs and the Misses Dalton, gifts for the same being sent by Mrs Wilson, Eithinog;