MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 19Q7. s. d. ... 5 ... 2 ... 1 ... 0 ... 1 ... 1 ST. TTJDNO'S CHURCH. We were glad to announce in our last issue that a friend had very kindly pro¬ mised a donation of £40 towards th© de¬ ficiency on condition that the remainder of the £80 was collected. It gives us great pleasure to record the following subscriptions which have been received towards making good that sum : Mr W. Hill ... Mrs Mariner Brigg Mr Cecil B. Morgan Mr E. Jordan... Mr 8. F. Cooper Mr A. Bruce Moore • * * HARVEiST FESTIVAL. The Harvest Festival Services will be held in St. George and Holy Trinity and St. Tudno's Churches on Thursday, the 3rd of this month, and" in St. Beuno's Mission Room on Wednesday evening, the 2nd inst. The Harvest Festival Service will be held in Bodafon Mission Room on Friday evening, the 4th inst. Contributions are asked for towards the decoration of the Churches, and also assistance in the work of decorating the Churches for the Festival. The offertories will be given as in previous years towards the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts. * * * ENGLISH SERVICES. Thursday, October 3rd, St. George's Church. 8 a.m., Holy Communion. 11-30 a.m., Matins and Sermon. Preacher, The Rev. J. Griffiths, Old Colwyn. Holy Trinity Church. 8 a.m., Holy Communion. 11 a.m., Matins and Sermon. Preacher, The Rev. L. Jenkins, Port- dinorwic. 7 p.m., Evensong and Sermon. Preacher, The Rev. J. W. Roberts, Conway. St. Tudno's Church. 3 p.m., Evensong and Sermon. Preacher, The Rev. J: Wynne Jones, Carnarvon. WELSH SERVICES. Wednesday, October 2nd, St. Beuno's Mission Room. 7 p.m.. Evensong and Sermon. Preacher, The Rev. L. Jenkins, Port- din or wic. Thursday, October 3rd, St. George's Church. 10 a.m., Holy Communion and Ser¬ mon. Preacher, The Rev. J. Griffiths, Old Colwyn. 7 p.m., Evensong and Sermon. Preacher, The Rev. J. W. Wynne Jones. Friday, October 4th. Bodafon Mission. 7 p.m., Evensong and Sermon. Preacher, The Rev. J. LI. Richards, Dolwyddelen. * * THE, RECTORY. The work of altering and extending the Rectory has been begun. The Archi¬ tect being Mr E! Turner, and the Con¬ tractors, Messrs E. Thorp and Sons, and all is being supervised by the Architects of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. A sum of a little over a £100 is still required to pay for the work, towards which we are glad to announce that Mrs Wilson, Eithinog. has kind'h- contributed the sum of £5. * * * LADIES' MISSION WORKING PARTY. On Monday, the 23rd of last month, a meeting was held in St. George's Church Room, when the following were present : The Rector, Mrs LI. Hughes, Mrs Dalton, Mrs Roberts, Huyton; Miss Buckley, Miss Jones, Mrs Sutton Jones, Miss Owen, Soho House; Mrs James Smith, Mrs Shad Roberts, Miss Davies, Glan Menai ; Miss Brown and Mrs Bevan. It was stated that the sum of £59 lis. 6d. was realized at the Sale of Work in June, and after deducting £4 0s. 9d. for expenses there was a balance of £55 10s. 9d. To this was added the collection at Holy Trinity on Good Friday, £3 7s. 3d., which made a total £58 18s. 8d. After allowing for expenses for the coming year