PARISH MAGAZINE AUGUST, 1907. ST. TUDNO'S CHURCH. 'Though, nearly all the accounts for the Re¬ storation repairs and JJecoratiori of St. Tudno have been paid, the complete balance sheet can not be published this month- The Rector and Churchwardens have, however, issued the following otice, which gives approximately the state of the accounts. The work recently done for the preservation and adornment of this ancient Church and Church¬ yard has cost over £400. Nearly all the amount collected has been given by residents, and the Rector and Church¬ wardens respectfully invite- visitors to help to¬ wards the payment of the balance still owing— the sum of £90—and also towards the main¬ tenance of the services, the Church and Churchyard. The Church will be open during the Sum¬ mer months from 9 30 a.m. to 6 30 p.m. No Gratuities. Contributions may be placed in the box by the West door, or sent to the Rector and Churchwardens, The Rectory, Llandudno, July, 1907. • A handsome new arched gateway, together with new wrought iron gates, designed by Mr E. Turner, architect, will shortly be erected at the entrance to St. Tudno's Churchyard, which is most used by worshippers and visitors to take the place of the inconvenient arrangement now in use. The new arched gateway, which is beautifully designed, together with the gates, will be the gift of an anonymous donor. This will complete the list of works contemplated in connection with the restoration of the church as proposed by the Rector and Church¬ wardens in their appeal of last year. * * * THE CHURCH SCHOOLS. The Managers of the Llandudno Church Schools have had under consideration the con¬ dition of the buildings, and as St. Beuno's Mission Schoolroom is at present too small for the church services and meetings, and having regard to the. pressure put upon them by the Local Education Authority, they have decided to considerably enlarge the building in such a manner as to make it suitable for the neces¬ sities off St. Beuno's district on the Great Orme as a school, and also to render it much mpre useful as a centre of Church work. There will be considerable expense in consequence, and the managers appeal to all the friends of the •Church schools and religious education for assistance to carry out the work. Subscrip¬ tions may be paid to the treasurer, Church School's account at the National Provincial Bank, Llandudno,, or at the Rectory. * * * SALE OP WORK. The members of the Mission Working Parity are to be congratulated upon the* very success¬ ful sale of work, which was held in the Town Hall, on Wednesday afternoon, June 26th. The gathering was one of the most pleasant after¬ noon functions which we remember. There was an excellent display of work, fruit and flowers, and a delightful tea and refreshments were supplied at very moderate, prices. The tables were so placed about the room and the programme of entertainments arranged, so that all present could fully enjoy themselves. The result was that the proceeds of the* sate amounted to wiffiln a few shillings of £60., and we give the particulars below. A meeting will shortly be held of the members to allocate the money to the various Missionary Societies. £ s, d. FRUIT AND FLOWER STALL.—Mrs and the Misses Darton, Mrs Walker and Miss WTalker ... 13 1 6 TEA STALL.—Mrs and the Misses Peers, Mrs and Mass Chamberlain 11 16 0 PLAIN NEEDLEWORK STALL-hMts Nathan Jones. Mrs Shad Roberts, and Mrs James Smith ... ... 12 2 0 FANCY STALL,—Miss Buckley and' Miss Penney ... ... ... 10 4 4 SWEET STALL—The Misses Sherratt. and Miss Davies (The Bungalow) 2 10 8 Sale of Tickets ... ... 6 0 0 Donations (per Mrs LI. Hughes), Mrs Ottley, 10s. ; Mrs Holmes, 10s; Mrs Wilson. 10s.: Mrs Stones, 5s. 1 15 0 Payment for hire of Town Hall by invalid friend ..'. ... 2 2 0 £59 11 6 The Stallholders desire to gratefully acknow¬ ledge donations and gifts from the following: Towards the Fruit and Flower Stall: Lady Augusta Mostyn, Mrs John Walker, Mr Camp¬ bell Blair. Mrs Wilson, Mrs Broome, Mrs Piatt, Mrs Htalden, Mrs Downing. Towards the Tea Stall: Mrs Hughes, Mrs Parker, Mrs Shad Roberts, Mr Bowdage, Mr Parker, The Creamery; Mrs Stones, Mrs Eaton, Mrs Cham¬ berlain, Mrs Sumner, Miss E. Owen, Mr R. Roberts, Messrs E. B, Jones, Mrs Mather, Mr Hooscn, Miss Buckley, Mrs Peers, the Misses