PARISH MAGAZINE JULY, 1907. ST. TUDNO'S CHURCH. It is a long time since so much in¬ terest was taken in any public, event ait Llandudno as was taken in the re-opening: and Dedication Services of St. Tudno's Church, on St. Tudno's Day, the 5th of last month. At 10 o'clock in the morning there was a celebration of the Holy Com¬ munion, At 3 o'clock in the afternoon the re-opening and Dedication Service was held, when ,a very large and repre¬ sentative congregation assembled at the Church. A procession beginning with a Choir, followed by the Clergy, with the Bishop, was formed in the Churchyard, which entered the Church singing the well-known hymn, "All people that on earth do well" (Old Hundredth). The first part of the service including the Dedica¬ tion prayers was rendered within the Church. The Psalms sung were the 84th and 87th, and after the hymn, "We love the place, O God," had been sung the pro¬ cession reformed and moved to the ap¬ pointed place in the Churchyard for the remainder of the service and sermon, while the whole congregation sang the hymn, "Guide me, O Thou great Re¬ deemer," to the fine Welsh tune "Bryn- tirion." The service was then continued in the open air, the first lesson, Haggai ii. 1-9, was read by the Rev. Canon D. Jones, R.D., Vicar of Penmaenmawr, and the second lesson, Ephesians ii. 11-22, was read by the Ven. Archdeacon Morgan. The service was conducted by the Rector. The hymns sung during the service being "For Thy dear. Sake, O Lord" (St. Helena), the hymn usually sung on St. Tudno's Day, and "Let Saints on earth in concert sing" (Dundee). A very effective and appropriate sermon was preached by the Bishop based on the words Habakkuk ii. 1, "I will stand upon my watch and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what He will say unto me," in the course of which he explain¬ ed how full the history of the Church was of lessons, warning and encouragement, for the present time. After the sermon the hymn, "The Church is one foundation" (Aurelia)' was sung. After the Bishop pronounced "The Blessing" the recession was formed and the service terminated, after .all had sung "0 God our help in ages past" (St. Ann's). We are thankful to record that the weather^ which in the morning was threatening, was fine to the very end. Owing to. the very liarge number of people who were present and the limited space within the Church, the work of making the arrangements was exceedingly difficult. They were, nevertheless, per¬ fectly carried out under the superin- tendance of Dr. D'alton, with the assist¬ ance of the Sidesmen, who spared no pains, not only on the day, but for a long time beforehand ; the music was superin¬ tended by Messrs C. T. Dee and J. H. Roberts. Now that the work of the repairs and Restoration of St. Tudno are com¬ plete, notwithstanding the misgivings and criticisms from some uninformed quar¬ ters, it is satisfactory to learn how all meets with the universal approval of all competent to form an opinion as to how such work ought to be done, and the parishioners and all interested in our ancient and historic Church have great cause for gratitude to the kind friends who by their contributions have made it possible to carry out the work, and best thanks are due to the Press for the kind interest taken in St. Tiidno, and the ex¬ cellent and correct reports, which were published of the work and the re-opening services. We have from time to time given an account of the subscriptions and gifts to St. Tudno, and we are glad to add the fol¬ lowing, which were made for the re¬ opening. The altar furniture Was all given by Mrs Spibey. A handsome set of Bibles and Prayer Books for the lectern and stalls were given by Lady Le Neve Fos¬ ter, and a handsomely bound organ Hymn and Tune Book was given by the Rev. H. D. S. Sweetapple. At the close of the afternoon service all present Were invited to meet the Bishop in the adjoining field, where a marquee had been erected and tea for all provided, under the superintendance of Mrs LI, Hughes, Mrs Dalton, Mrs Roberts (Huyton), and Miss Conway, of