PARISH MAGAZINE JUNE, 1907. ST. TUDNO'S CHURCH REOPENING The ire-opening of St. Tudno's Church after the repairs, restoration and de¬ coration will take place on St. Tudno's Day, June 5th. At- 10 o'clock in the morn¬ ing D.V. there will be a Celebration of the Holy Communion. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon there will be a special dedication and re-opening service, when the sermon will be preached by the Lord Bishop of Bangor. If weather permits the service will begin at 3 inside the Church, and after the introductory part and dedication the Choir and Clergy will process into the Churchyard, and the re¬ mainder of the service will be rendered and the sermon will be preached in the open air. The offertory and collections will be given to the Restoration Fund. The order of the service and special hymns will be printed, and distributed before the service. Copies may also be had during the preceding days on appli¬ cation a: one of the Churches of the Parish. ARCHDEACON'S ^VISITATION. On Friday, the 10th of last month, the Archdeacon of Bangor held his visitation in the Church Hon-? for the admission to office of the Churchwardens and Sidesmen, of the Parish, of Llan¬ dudno. The Court was opened at 6 p.m. in the Church House, when the Church¬ wardens and Sidesmen made their de¬ clarations and signed the roll. At 7 o'clock there was a service and seimon in Holy Trinity Church, when the Arch¬ deacon preached a very effective and practical sermon on "The duty and im¬ portance of Church Extension and Church Progress," based on Isaiah liv. 2. "Enlarge the place of thy tent and let. them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations, spare not, lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy stakes. After the service the Clergy, Church¬ wardens and Sidesmen dined together at Lockyer's Hotel. The Rector presided, and gave a resume of the work done dur¬ ing the past year, and gave an outline of what was contemplated in the future. He emphasised what the Archdeacon had said with regard to the work of Church Extension, and showed how it was pos¬ sible to effect a great deal, without placing undue burden on any person ; by all co¬ operating and each one doing a little according to his ability. The Rector pro¬ posed the toast of the Church and King, which was responded to by the Arch¬ deacon, Dr. Dalton. Mr Conway and Dr. Richards. Dr. Kendrick Davies pro¬ posed the health of the Rector and Mrs Hughes, and in replying the Rector drew attention to the excellent and unselfish work in the service of the Church clone by many of the lady members of the Church 'in the Parish. Then followed an excellent programme of music, and a verv pleasant evening was spent. * * * ST. GEORGES CHURCH ORGAN, Etc. In the course of last month, the "Kinetic Electric Organ Blower." which is now used for blowing some of the most important, organs in the country, includ¬ ing those of Worcester Cathedral, and that of the Royal College of Organists, has been attached to the organ of St. George's Church. The cost, with minor repairs to the organ, will be about £75, nearly the whole of which as can be seen from the list given below has been collected. The congregation worshipping in St. George's Church are under grea.t obligations to the subscribers for their generous contributions, and also to the collectors" Mrs LI. Hughes, Miss B. Mather, Miss E. Fel'ton, and Messrs C. H. Bevan and J. II. Hornsby for their successful efforts. We are glad to find that the new apparatus is a perfect success, and we are glad that every encouragement should be o-iven to the ' conductor, organists and members of the Choir in their efforts to improve the rendering of sacred music. Subscription list is given herewith: — Parochial Tea (per Mrs Hughes) ... 25 5 0 The Rector ... ... 1 1. 0 Doctor Dalton ... 1 1 ° Mr R. Conway •■• 1 1 ° Mrs Wilson (Eithinog) ... 5 0 0 Mr C. H. Bevan ... 1 1 0 Mr Ellis Jones ••• 1 1 ° Mr J. E. Hornsby ••• 1 1 °