PARISH MAGAZINE WAY, 1907. EASTER VESTRY (1907). The Easter Vestry meeting was held at St. George's Church and adjourned to the National Schools on Thursday, March 4th, 1907. There were present the Rector, the Rev. LI. R. Hughes, in the chair, the Rev. G. ' H. Harrison, the Rev. W. E. Jones, Dr. Dalton, Mr R. Conway Miss Conway, Messrs Barnett, E. Turner, Ernest Turner, — Wright, (H. Cotton, N. 0. Jones, G. Evans_, W. Ellis Jones, Littler, J. E. Hornsby, Stevens, Brown, Harris, Jas. Gray, MoOullum, Jas. Garratt, R. Pritchard, Hickey, -Roberts (Green Hill), Mr G. Roberts (Huyton), Winch, Bowdage, J. Smith, Woodlev, Eoulkes- Griffiths, Llwyfo Roberts, * and W. Brocklehurst. I.— Mr B. Conway proposed and Mr N. O. Jones seconded—"That the minutes be adopted," and it was carried unanimously. (a) Mr R. Conway then presented the statement of the accounts of St. George's, Holy Trinity and St. Tudno's Churches and the two Mission Rooms of Bodafon .and St. Beuno, and proposed its adoption, which was seconded by Mr Nathan O. Jones, and carried unani¬ mously. (b) ST. THOMAS' CHARITY. Mr Oonway also proposed and Mr Nathan Jones seconded the adoption of the accounts of the St. Thomas' Charity. The accounts were passed. II.—ELECTION OF CHURCH¬ WARDENS. Mr E. Turner proposed and Mr J. E. Hornsby seconded, the re-election of Mr R, /Conway as People's Warden, which was unanimously agreed to ^amidst loud applause, The Rector nominated Dr. Dalton as his Warden for the year. III.—APPOINTMENT OF SIDESMEN. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH— It was proposed by Mr Conway and seconded by Mr Barnett that the existing sidesmen be re-elected, the name of Mr R. Vincent Johnson being excepted with regret, as he had left the ,Parish. ST. TUDNO'S CHURCH. Mr iConway proposed the re-election of the existing sidesmen, Mr Alfred Jones; who had left the town, being ex¬ cepted, and the following were added: — Messrs Edmonds, H. Sutcliffe, and R. Woodward. The Rector said that their best thanks were due to Mr Conolly, who has removed to another part of the town for his efficient service during several years. TRINITY CHURCH. The following were added to the sidesmen of Trinity Church:-—Dr. Wood- house, Dr. Richards, Messrs Hickey, H. Temple, Lowe, Briggs, R. G. Pritchard, and H. Cotton. The Rector said that a hearty vote of thanks should be passed to the officers of the Church for their past services. And a vote of thanks^ proposed by Mr Wright, and seconded by Mr Winch, was carried unanimously. IV — The Rector then gave a resume of the work of the year. He explained in detail the work done with reference to the Restoration and Repairs of St. Tudno's Church and the work contemplated at Holv Trinitr Church and the Re-ctorv. V.— It was proposed by Mr Conway and seconded by Mr W. Ellis Jones—''That the Urban District Council be asked to make a better road to St. Tudno's Church," and it was carried unanimously. In the event of this resolution bearing no fruit, Mr W. Ellis Jones proposed and Mr George B.oberts seconded—"That a committee be formed to get up a petition to the U.D.C. asking them to make ta good road to St. Tudno's Church." The following Committee, with power to add, was then formed for the purpose of carrying the resolution into effect: — Messrs Turner, N. 0. Jones, Littler, G. B. Roberts, W. Ellis Jones, John Smith, and Foulkes-Griffiths. VI — A hearty vote of thanks to the Rector for presiding was proposed by Mr Turner, and seconded by ,Mr Hornsby, and carried with enthusiasm. The Vestry then terminated. THE RECTOR.'S EASTER, OFFERING. The Churchwardens herewith present their statement of the Easter offering to the Rector : —