PARISH MAGAZINE AARCH , 1907. LENT, HOLY WEEK AND EASTER, The first intention of the institution of Lent was that it should be the preparation for Easter, which day is the crowning glory of the Christian year. Lent reaches its climax in Holy Week, which throughout Christendom is the mo^t solemn season of the year. There are sermons by special preachers every Wed¬ nesday at St. George's Church and in Eng¬ lish every Friday evening at Holy Trinity- Church, as well as special services at other times-, all of which are duly announced. During Holy Week there will be special services every morning and evening, and on Good Friday, in addition to other ser¬ vices in the Churches, the Three Hours' Service will be held in Holy Trinity Church, which will be conducted by the Rev. J. W. Wynne Jones, M.A., Vicar of Carnarvon. On Easter Day there will be Celebrations of the Holy Communion in English as follows : — St. George's Church.—8 a.m., 12 45. Holy Trinity Church.—6 a.m., 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 12 15. Also in Welsh at St. George's Church, 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. THE LATE MR JOSEPH BROOME, J.P When our issue for last month was about to be printed the sad news arrived of the death of Mr Joseph Broome. We were unable to do more at the, time than to simply record the fact, but we cannot let this number pass without adding our tribute to the memory of one so highly respected and so> much loved amongst us. Endowed with great natural ability and strength of character, Mr Broome had a most successful and honourable career in business, and as far as wealth was con¬ cerned he might have spent his later years in inactivity or personal enjoyment, but his heart, was too great and his character too rich for that. He was active to the very end, but not merely for his own advantage. All through his life his thoughts were for the good of others, and it would take con- siderablei space merely to enumerate the good causes which he supported or helped. In Manchester, where for the greater part of his career his work chiefly lay, most of the great charitable institutions knew him as a generous supporter. He was either a governor or on the Committee of several important institutions. Of some, as for instance, the Warehousemen and Clerks' Orphan Schools, he was the mov¬ ing spirit and chairman for many years. On his death the City paid him its highest mark of respect. At Llandudno, where he resided during his later years, no one stood higher in public esteem. His per¬ sonal kindness and charm of manner were combined in so rare a manner with his capacity for business, so as to form a character that was warmly loved as well as sincerely admired. His personal charities were numerous and without stint, and carried out as the Master dir¬ ected. Elvery public movement that he thought good amongst us found him a liberal supporter, and as Church people especially, we are under great obligations to him for his handsome contributions on every occasion when his help was asked. It is a satisfaction to think that he rests among us in the ancient Churchyard by St. Tudno's Church, towards the re¬ storation of which he was one of the largest subscribers. May the blessing and comfort of our Heavenly Father rest on his loved ones from whom he has been parted for a while. * * * CONFIRMATION. The Lord Bishop of Bangor will hold a Confirmation Service in Holy Trinity Church on Monday, 25th inst. (Monday in Holy Week) at 2 30 p.m. A Class for Candidates is held every Monday evening at Holy Trinity Church at 7 30 p.m., and the Rector will make arrangements for the preparation of adults, or those who are unable to attend the classes, on receiving due notice. * * * EASTER. DECORATIONS. It is specially desired that all who are able to help in the decoration of the Churches for Easter will kindly signify their intention to take part in the work as early as possible. Promises of contribu¬ tion will be gladly received by Mrs LI. Hughes, The Rectory.