NOVEMBER, 1906- ST. TUDNO'S CHURCH RE. STORATION. Tlie Rector and Churchwardens desire to thankfully acknowledge the following subscriptions received during the past month : — Lady Augusta Mostyn ... 25 0 0 Mr Arthur N. Conway, Vancouver ... ... 2 0 0 Miss Davies, George Hotel 0 10 0 Mr T. Roberts ... ... 1 0 0 Anonymous ... ... 10 0 0 Mrs Arthur Jones ... 5 0 0 Miss Dalton has also received the following :—■ Mr and Mrs Bevan ... 2 2 0 Mr R. D. Owen ... 1 1 0 Miss Annie Shaw ... 0 10 6 Mrs Pilkington, Isallt ... 5 0 0 Mrs Bradbury ... ... 5 0 0 Mrs Wight Boycott, ... 1 1 0 Mrs Grose ... ... 1 1 0 Mrs Atkinson ... ... 0 10 0 Rev. J. T. Jones, vicar of St Stephen's, Birmingham 0 10 6 Miss Fielding ... " ... 1 1 0 Rev. R. E. Jones, Birmin¬ gham ... ... 0 10 6 Rev. Arthur Jones, ditto 0 10 6 * # # HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICES. On Thursday, the fourth of last month, the annual thanksgiving services for the harvest were offered in the Churches of the Parish. The service commenced on Wed¬ nesday evening at St. Beuno, when an address was given by the Rev. T. H. Hughes vicar of Blaenau Festiniog. At 8 o'clock on Tuesday morning there was a celebration of the Holy Communion at St. George's and at Holy Trinity, and again at St. George's at 10 for the Welsh parishioners, following which service the Rev. T. H. Hughes gave an address, and also preached at the morning service at 11 30. At Holy Trinity Church the Rev. E. Jones Evans, vicar of Rhos-on-Sea., preached a* 11 a.m., and the Rev. H. R. Johnson, Warden of St. Michael's College, Aberdare\, -preached at the evening service. The -afternoon unfortunately was very wet, which prevented a large number from attendiinw, the afternoon service at St. Miss Miss Tudno, when the sermons, were delivered by the Rev. E. Jones Evans. The Rev. T. Pritchard, vicar of Amlwch, was the preacher at the Welsh service at St. George's on Thursday even¬ ing, the series being brought to a conclu¬ sion at Bcdafon Mission Room the same Friday evening. The services were well attended, and the churches tastefully and suitably decorated. The decorations were carried out as fol¬ lows : — HOLY TRINITY. East End.—Miss Penney, Miss N. Scott (for Miss Sherratt). Pulpit.—The Misses Marsden. Font,—Mrs Brown, Miss G. Brown, Miss Smith. Windows.—Mrs Swann (Nave), The Misses Pemberton (Transcepts). Pillars.—Mrs Llewelyn Hughes, Mrs Foulkes. Miss Jones (Gadarn), Miss Evans (The Cloisters), Miss Forss. Organ Screen.—-Mrs Dee and Davies, The Bungalow. Lectern.—Miss Blakeley and Jesson. Gifts were also sent by the following : — Mr Broome (flowers), Miss Sherratt, Mrs Chamberlain, flowers for the Altar; Mrs Swann, bread and flowers; Miss Turner (flowers), Mrs Baxter (flowers), Mrs Garrett (flowers), The Misses G. and May Evans (flowers), Mrs Hirons, Coventry (flowers), Mr Winch (bread), Miss Wooliscroft (flowers), Mrs Martin (flowers). ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH. East End.—Mrs Llewelyn Hughes, Miss Forss, Miss Woodley, Miss Smith. Screen and Reading Desk.—The Misses Mather. Pulpit and Choir Stalls.—The Misses Buckley and Miss Wright. Lectern.—Miss Sophie Smith and Miss Cotton, Anstey. Font.—Mrs Roberts, Huyton, and Mas¬ ter Roberts, .Rob-"- House. Windows.—Miss Nathan Jones, Misses Felton, Miss Moores, Miss Mackenzie. Fruit and Flowers, were kindly sent by Mrs Dalton, Mrs Pilkington:, Mrs Mather, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Roberts. Mr Mores. Mrs Smith (Anstey), Mrs Buckley, and