PARISH MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1906 ST. TUDNO'S CHURCH. It i& with very great pleasure that we announce that the work proposed to be undertaken with regard to the preserva¬ tion and repairs of St. Tudno's Church, the ancient Parish Church of Llandudno is receiving generous support, and the con¬ servative' method adopted w'ith regard to the structure is much appreciated. In reply to a few requests for a view of the plans, the Rector and Churchwardens have to state that, in the ordinary sense, there are no plans, as practically there will be no structural alterations at all, with the exception of the slight addition of Vestry accommodation, the object aimed at be£ng preservation. The only things that will be removed out of the Church are the ve^' recently introduce J seating and flooring. The following nave kindly promised Subscriptions or Special gifts- — Lord Mostyn. Lady Augusta Mostyn. Mrs Spibey, All the Seating in Oak, Stained Glass Window and £10. Mr J. Broome, £20. Mr J. Walker, £20 . Mrs Arthur Jones, Stainei Glass Win¬ dows. Mrs Piatt, Stained Glass Window Mrs Reeves-Huehes, £1 Is. V. E. W., 5s. Mr W. Bevan, £2 2s. Miss ._„_, £1 Is. The Rector, £5. Dr. Dalton, £5. Mr R. Conway, £5. As it is very desirable to begin the work a§ soon as the summer services are ended it will be a great help, if intending sub¬ scribers will kindly .send in their promises or contributons—which may be paid in at the National Provincial Bank, Llan¬ dudno. The following would make appro¬ priate special gifts either in whole or part:—The Vestry. The Tiles for the flooring. The, Oak Panelling for the walls, Prayer Desk. Set of Office Books. A Set of Prayer Books and Hymn Books for general use. New Kneeling Boards or Hassocks. Vestry Furniture. All designs may be seen in the. office of Mr Edwin Turner, architect. HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICES. The Harvest Festival Services will be held in St. George and Holy Trinity Churches on Thursday, the 4th of this month, and in St. Beuno's Mission Room on Wednesday evening, the 3rd inst. The Harvest Festival service will be held in Bodafon Mission Room on Friday even¬ ing, the 5th. Contributions are asked for towards the decoration of the Churches, and also assistance in the work of decorav ing the Churches for the Festival. The offertories will be giiven as in previous years towards the Society for the Pro¬ pagation of the Gospel in foreign parts. ENGLISH SERVICES. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 4th. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH. 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. 1130 a.m., Matins and Sermon; Preacher, the Rev. T. H. Hughes, vicar, of Blaenau Festimog. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. 11 a.m., Matins and Sermon; Preacher, the Rev. E. Jones Evans, Vicar of Rh os-on-Sea. 7 p.m., Evensong and Sermon; Preacher, the Rev. H. R. Johnson, Warden of St. Michael's College, Aberdare. ST. TUDNO'S CHURCH. 3 p.m., Evensong and sermon; Preacher, The Rev. E. Jones Evans. W^ELSH SERVICES. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd. ST. BEUNO'S MISSION ROOM. 7 p.m., Evensong and sermon; Preacher, The Rev. T. H. Hughes. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH. 10 a.m., Holy Communion, Address bv Rev T. H. Hughes. 7 p.m., Evensong and sermon; preacher, The, Rev. T. Pritchard, Vicar of Amlwch. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5th. BODAFON MISSION ROOM. 7 p.m., Evensong and sermon. Preacher, The Rev. T. Pritchard. * * * COMING OF AGE OF MR. MOSTYN. We referred in our last issue to the coming of age. of the Hon. E. LI. R. Lloyd Mostyn, when we also offered him our