PARISH MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER, 1906 ST. TUDNO'S CHURCH. The proposal to make provision for the pre¬ servation of St. Tudno's Church, by under¬ taking ihe necessary repairs, with other mueh- e ceded improvements, is meeting with great encouragement During the past month some very valuable gifts have been promised, which we intended to announce in this issue, but as we have the prospect of being .able to announce a, more extensive list shortly, we defer our announcement of the generous offers already made' until our next issue. In the meantime the Rector and Churchwardens and Miss Dalton, Haulfan, will be glad to receive the promises of any contributions which friends desire to make, so that they may be included in our first published list. * * * On Sunday evening, September 2nd, a sermon will be preached (D.V.) in Holy Trinity Church, by the Rector, on "The introduction and growth of Christianity in Britain, having re¬ ference to this district. Special contributions will be asked for in aid of St. Tudno's Church, Great Orme'e Head, the ancient Pairish Church. During the service the* following well-known English hymns will be sung:— A. and M. 316 196 520 193 27 298 to the Welsh tunes, Moriah, Bryntirion, Hyfrydol, Aberystwith,, Ffigysbren, Caersalem, & # * THE COMING OF AGE OF THE HON. LL. R. LLOYD MOSTYN. The coming of age of Mr Mostyn is an event of great interest to the inhabitants of Llan¬ dudno, and they .are looking forward with great pleasure to the eelebrations in hie honour, which are to take place in the course of this month. On Monday, the- 10th, a public presentation will be mad© on behalf of the town, and on subsequent days the ©vent will be suitably honoured. The ties' between Llandudno/ and the Mostyn family ate very close, and we are all sensible erf the continued acts of kindness of the mem- bete of the' family. Tbefamily of Mostyn is one of the most ancient and most honoured in the Principality, and everyone is unfeignedly glad that the future head of the family shews every promise of walking worthily in the foot¬ steps of his noble and distinguished father. We offer Mr Mostyn our best wishes for a happy, prosperous and useful career of public service, and our 'congratulation to all members of the family on the aurpicious event. 3fr t*v ;,v MISSIONS TO SEAMEN—ANNUAL MEETING. JUBILEE YEAR. A very successful meeting in aid of the Mis¬ sion toi Seamen was held in the Town Hall on Thursday, 16th August, at 3 30. The chair was taken by Lord Mostyn, and there were also present Mrs M. M. Wilson, hon. sec.; The Rec¬ tor, the Rev. LI. R. Hughes, the Rev. Francis G. Jones, vicar of Llanrhos, Rev.'J. Raymond, Dr. Dalton, J.P., J. Adey Wells, Esq., J.P., and a number of others. The meeting was opened by the Rector, after which Lord Mostyn gave a short address ex¬ pressing his pleasure at being present and in¬ troducing the Association Secretary, the Rev. Eardley W. Miohell. Mr Michell, in a bright and interesting speech, gave in some detail particulars of the work carried on in the large seaports of the world, and emphasized the benefits of the Seamen's Institutes, particular¬ ly in foreign ports. Mr Michell .also instanced the gratitude that the sailors showed for any kindness shown them by the Mission Chaplains and the good that was being done amongst them. He; mentioned as a matter of interest that over 4000 Bibles were purchased by the Seamen last year from the Society's agents, in addition to the copies given to the various ships. Mr 'Michell alsci drew attention to the fact that this being the Mission to Seamen Jubilee year, they were very anxious to raise a special fund of, if possible, £10,000 for the purpose of opening Institutes in Seaport towns that up to the present they had not been able to deal with. Also he mentioned especially that it was veTy necessary that the Institute in San Francisco destroyed by fire in the recent earthquake should be re-built without delay, as this was one of the most important of their centres, and the temptations of San Francieo were greater probably than in any other sea¬ port in the world. UnfortunateHy, although the whole of the drinking saloons were destroy¬ ed they were befog re-built immediatly, and the Mission Authorities felt it was most necessary that their Institute should be in working order as quickly as possible. In closing, Mr Michell said that if all the branches were worked with the some energy as