AUGUST, 1906 ST. TUDNO'S CHURCH. We are glad to find that the statement and appeal issued by the Rector and Churchwardens on behalf of St. Tudno's Church has met with a kind reception on all sides, and we are par¬ ticularly grateful to our contemporaries of the Press for their kind notices. We specially de¬ sire to notice the interesting . and valuable papers on St. Tudno's Church by Mr Edge in the "Advertiser," which record facts in con¬ nection-with the history of the Church which we have not seen elsewhere. In our next issue we hope to publish the first list of .subscriptions towards the restora¬ tion and repairs fund. Subscriptions' will be received by the Rector and Churchwardens, by Mies Dalton, Haulfan, Llandudno, who is act¬ ing as Secretary for St. Tudno's Church, or subscriptions may be paia direct to the re¬ storation and repairs fund at the National and Provincial Bank, Llandudno. If anyone inter¬ ested in the Church would prefer to make special gifts such as vestry, tiles for the floor¬ ing, oak panelling, or the seating, particulars will be supplied by the architect, Mr E. Turner. On the fifth Sunday after Trinity, i.e., the 15th of las: month, St* Tudno's Church was filled to overflowing. In the course of the morning service the two new stained glass win¬ dows which we have already described in memory of the late Sir Clement Le Neve Foster, D.Sc, F.R.S., and the late Mrs Adey Wells, were dedicated by the Rector, who afterwards preached a sermon, in which reference was made to the event and.also to the history of the Church. The new windows are greatly ad¬ mired, and admitted to add considerably to the beauty and dignity of our historic Church. On the same day two appropriate brass vases were presented for the Altar at St. Tudno's, the gift of Mrs Dalton, who always lakes a kind interest in the' Church. The> annual meeting of the Ladies' Mission Working Party was held at the Rectory on Wednesday afternoon,, 2Eth of last month, when the balance sheet of the Mission Sale of Work., held in the preceding month, was presented and adopted, and the donations to the various Missionary Societies1 which they supported W€£§ .voted. The state of account is as fol¬ lows:— MISSION SALE OF WORK, HELD JUNE 21st, 1906. RECEIPTS. FRUIT AND FLOWER STALL— Mrs and Misses Dalton .................. 11 9 9 TEA STALL— Mrs Peers, Mrs Mather, The Misses Peers and the Misses Mather ...... 11 15 6 SWEET STALL, Etc.— Mrs Stones and the Misses Marsden 3 3 4 PLAIN NEEDLEWORK STALL— Mrs Roberts, Huyton; Mrs Shad Roberts, and Mrs Reeves ............ 16 3 0 FANCY STALL— Miss Buckley and Miss Penney ... 7 16 9 Mrs Wilson, Donation .................. 5 0 0 Donations (per Mrs Hughes— Mrs Wilson.................. 2 10 0 Mrs Gough ..................... 0 5 0 Miss Owen...................... 0 5 0 2 10 0 Tickets ............................................. 4 3 6 £62 1 10 EXPENDITURE Printing....................................... 0 17 3 Piano and Tuning ........................ 0 7 6 Porterage...................................... 0 7 6 Crier............................................. 0 16 Gas, work done and sundries ... 1 16 9 Balance........................................ 58 11 4 Received later from Mrs Jameson 0 10 0 £62 1 10 £62 11 10 After paying expenses connected with las£ winter's work and making provision with regard to material? for the coming winter, the following sums were voted by the members to the various Missionary Societies, home and foreign : — £ s. d. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel ... ... ... 5 0 0 Church Missionary Society ... 5 0 0 Universities' Mission to Central Africa ... ... ... 5 0 0 Mission to Seamen ... ... 9 0 0 Additional Curates'Society ...600 Additional Curates' Society (ladies' branch) ... ... ... 6 0 0 Bangor Diocesan Church Extension Society ... ... ... 7 0 0 Grahamstown Mission ... ... 2 0 0 Patagonia Welsh Mission ___ 2 0 0 Zenana Mission ... ... 10 0 £45 0