PARISH MAGAZINE JULY, 1906 The following appeal has been issued— " ST. TUDNOS CHURCH. LLAN¬ DUDNO. THE PRESERVATION AND REPAIRS OF THE ANCIENT PARISH CHURCH. St. Tudno's Church is one of the fea¬ ture® of this part of North Wales, and pos¬ sesses great interest on account of its po¬ sition and associations, and is of still more importance from ecclesiastical and historical considerations. After the restoration of the Church from its derelict condition in 1855, work has been done, from time to time, to; add dig¬ nity and beauty to the edifice, in a plain and becoming manner in keeping with its characteristics. As memorials given by private donors : —The windows have been filled with good stained glass, a fine brass Eagle Lectern has been presented, a hand¬ some oak Chancel Screen has been erected, a Reredos has been placed in the Sanc¬ tuary, which has also been surrounded with oak panelling, and the floor as far as the Chancel Screen has been paved with tiles, but further work was postponed owing to want of funds. A careful examination of the fabric by the Architect has shewn that the walls and roof require immediate attention if much heavier expense in the future is to be avoided ; and as this work has to be taken in hand it is thought that the present is the best time to appeal for funds to com¬ plete the work that has been begun, as well as to place this historic Church gene¬ rally in a thorough state of repair. The proposed work includes : — The plastering and cleaning of the walls and the repairing of the' roof. The restoring of the floor, to as near as possible, its original position by the removal of the very modern slabs and deal floor and seats. Th© covering of the floor of the body of the Church with appropriate tiles and the lower portion of the wall with oak dado, that is, to complete the' work which has in part been done as far as the Chancel Screen. The removal of the inconvenient Ves¬ try arrangement, and, if possible, with¬ out altering its general features, to adapt the Porch for Vestry purposes. The improvement cf the inconvenient modern arrangement for entrance to the original Churchyard and to make provision for necessary storage. As this ancient Church has been for so many centuries the centre of Christian worship, and is now .visited by thousands annually from all parts of the world, it is hoped that a liberal support will be given to the effort made to render the Church still more1 worthy of the purpose for which it was .originally dedicated." Llewelyn R. Hughes, M.A., Rector. Richard Conway, / Church- Thomas Dalton, M.D. ( wardens June, 1906. The above appeal will be of interest to very large numbers throughout the coun¬ try—in fact, we may say, throughout the world. Copies may be had at any of the churches, and the assistance of all who wish to maintain our historic church in becoming dignity and usefulness is earn¬ estly invited in the effort to collect the necessary funds. * * * Si Tudno's Day this year was excep¬ tionally fine and; in consequence there was a good attendance at the anniversary ser¬ vice at St. Tudno's Church. The first part of the servicei was conducted in church, and after the Psalms were sung the choir and congregation processed to the churchyard, singing the' hymn, " We love the place, 0! Cod." The remainder of the servicei was conducted in the open air, and an appropriate sermon was preached by the. Rev J. R. Dummelow. * * * It is proposed to dedicate the windows recently placed in St. Tudno's Church in memory of Sir Clement Le Neve Foster and Mrs Adey Wellsi, during or after the morning service on Sunday, July 15th (6th Sunday after Trinity). * * * * The Rev W. Ei. Jones, whose appoint¬ ment we noticed in our last issue after suc¬ cessfully passing his examination, was or¬ dained Deacon by the Bishop of St. Asaph on behalf of the Bishop of Bangor on Trinity Sunday, and commenced his duties