PARISH MAGAZINE JUNE, 1906 THE ARCHDEACON'Si VISITATION. The Venerable J. Morgan, M.A., Arch¬ deacon of Bangor, held his annual visita¬ tion in Llandudno* on Friday, the 18th of last month. The Archdeacon's court was opened in the Church House at 6 o'clock, when the Churchwardens and Sidesmen were admitted to their respective offices. At 7 o'clock service was held at Holy- Trinity Church, and the Archdeacon de¬ livered his charge, bearing especially upon the subject of religious education in schools. After service the clergy, the churchwardens, sidesmen and officials dined together at Lockyer's Hotel. * * * the; schools. It is with great pleasure that we pub¬ lish in this month's issue the reports of the Diocesan Inspector on the religious instruction given in the Church Schools of the parish, which show how the religious instruction of the young can be efficiently given in schools, which are also in the first rank of elementary schools with re¬ gard to secular education, and we are glad to congratulate the teachers on the results of their work. We are further very glad to mention the success of the assistant teachers of our schools in the competition for King's Scholarship, the result of which at the last examination held in December last has recently been published, when the following assistant teachers in our schools were successful:—Miss Francis Mary Ives, Miss Annie Williams, Miss Florence Ellis, Miss Ada Bland. We offer-both the successful candidates and their teachers our best congratula¬ tions. The reports of the religious in¬ struction are as follows : — REPORT OF RELIGIOUS INSTRUC¬ TION. LLANDUDNO NATIONAL SCHOOL, Mixed Department, inspected March 8th, 1906.—"There were 208 children present, which number shows a decrease of seven¬ teen on that of last year, and that twenty- two were absent. Twelve children are withdrawn from all religious instruction. The work in each division of the school deserves mm highest commendation. Every subject had been skilfully and in¬ telligently taught, and results generally were excellent. I was thoroughly satis¬ fied with all that I saw and heard." NATIONAL INFANTS' SCHOOL.— " There were 69 children present, which shews an increase of five on that of last year, and that twenty-five were absent. There are six children withdrawn from all religious instruction. This school is well-disciplined, and well-instructed. The children sang well, answered readily and intelligently, and shewed that they are well-trained in religious knowledge." ST. BEUNO NATIONAL SCHOOL, LLANDUDNO, Mixed Department.— " There were 64 children present, which number shows an increase of ten on that of last year, and that four were absent. During the past year this school experienced some difficulties owing to change of head teachers and an inter- regum. The work on the whole was fair¬ ly well done. The singing was sweet and tuneful; the repetition was correct and distinct, and altogether the school passed a commendable examination." BODAFON, NATIONAL SCHOOL, Mixed Department, inspected March 9th, 1906.—"There were 141 children present, which number shows a decrease of 10 as compared with last year, and that J 30 children were absent. Three children are withdrawn from, all religious in¬ struction, and 19 from the Church Catechism. The school as a whole' passed a very creditable examination. The singing was sweet and tuneful Discipline and tone were most satisfactory. Some revision of the repetition in Group II. is required. Otherwise, the work generally had been well done and results were most commendable." DEMONSTRATION AT CARNARVON. We call attention of all interested in the principles of justice with regard, to Church schools and the religious instruc¬ tion of the children of the country gener¬ ally, to the great demonstration which is to be held in the Pavilion, Carnarvon, on Thursday, the 14th of this month, at 5 o'clock. There will be cheap excursion trains from all parts, with reduced fares. Tickets for admission to the Pavilion may be obtained on application to one of the