PARISH MAGAZINE MAY, 1906 CONFIRMATION SERVICE. At the Holy Trinity Church, on Thursday afternoon, the 12th ult., the Bishop of Ban¬ gor held a Confirmation Service at which 53 candidates c-ime forward for confirmation as follows :—Llandudno 30, Conway 12, Llan- bedr 4, Gyflfin 4, and Caerhun 3. The fol¬ lowing are the names of the Llandudno can¬ didates:—Douglas Bcol, Joseph Cheetham, Wm. Cheetham, Francis Fairlie, Ernest Hughes, Charles Thomas Norton Beckett Ibbotson, William Hugh Jones, Edward Henry Pennington, John Rawling, Esfelle Clarinda Bratt, Beatrice Yictoria Brown, Ellen Oheetham, Annie Augusta Edwards Mary Alice Evans, Sarah Evans, Evelyn Flood, Lizzie Forbes, Jessie Margaret Fawke, Eva Mary Garrett, Ethel Winifred Lord, Florence Ann Mills, Frederica Mary Eleanor Powell, Gwendoline Beatrice Cornelia Pewell. Laura Emma Elizabeth Powell, Catherine Roberts, Hannah Roberts, Isabella Smith, Susan Smith, Esther Stephens Bertha Rose White. * * * GOOD FRIDAY. The Three Hours' Service on Good Friday was conducted in Holy Trinity Church by the Rev. J. Thomson Jones, M.A.,Towyn, Aber¬ gele, and the service and the addresses were very impressive, and it is gratifying to be able to record each year an increase in num¬ ber of those who appreciate and take part in the Three Hours' Service. # * * ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH. At St. George's Church on Easter Day there were large congregations, and an ex¬ ceptionally large number of commuuicants. The church was tastefully decorated by the following ladies :—Altar and east end, Mrs LI. Hughes and Miss V\ illiamson ; Pulpit, Reading Desk an-i Screen, Mrs Mather, The Misses Mather, Miss Wilson, Mr H. Wilson, plants sent by Mrs Wilson ; Lectern, Miss Sophie Smith, Anstey; Font the Misses Roberts, Huyton; Windows, the Misges Edgell and Miss Woodley. Flowers were contributed hy Mrs Peers, Mrs Mather, Mrs Witeon, Miss Woodley, the Misses Edgell, Mr Brundwick, Master Pen- ningtcn, Master Fenton, and Master Bool. Donations towards flowers were contributed by Mrs Walton Evans, Mrs Wright, Mrs Arkle, Mrs Pilkington, Mrs Ottley, Mrs Chatterton, Mrs Davie?, Mrs Cotton, Miss Woodley, Miss Edgell, Misses Alice and Ada Buckley, Miss Williamson, and Miss Bam- ford. HOLY TRINITY* CHURCH. On Easter Day the congregations and communicants were exceptionally large. The services throughout were of a most hearty character. The church was beautifully de¬ corated by the following ladies :—Altar, the Misses Sherratt, the east end, Miss Buckley, Miss Penney, and Miss Felton ; pulpit, the Misses Marston ; font. Mrs Brown and the Misses Brown ; windows, Mrs Shad Roberts, Miss Parker, Miss Amy Roberls, Miss Holt, Miss Farrington, Miss Wardle, Miss Blakey, and Miss Finnimore. The flowers for the altar were the gift of Mr T. Sherratt. Dona¬ tions and flowers for the decorations were given by the Misses Sherratt, Miss Buckley, Miss Ellis, Miss Blakey, Miss Gwladys Evans, Miss Jes~on, Mrs Brown, the Misses Brown, Miss Harrison, Miss Archdeacon, Miss Shaw. Mrs Shad Roberts, Miss Shad Roberts, Miss Davies, Craigydon, Miss Felton, Miss Cheetham, and Sunday School pupils. FLOWER FUND. The following donations have been thank- fury received for St. George's Church flowers ;—Mrs Walton Evans, 2s. 6d. ; Mrs Wright, 2s. 6d. ; Mrs Arkle, 10s.; Mrs Pilkington, 10s. ; Mrs Ottley, 5s.; Mrs Chatterton, 5s. ; Mrs Davies (The Stowe) 5s. ; Mr and Mrs Cotton, 5s. ; Miss Woodley 5s. ; Miss Alice Buckley, 2s. ; Miss Ada Buckley, 2s.; Miss Williamson, 2s. 6d. Miss Bamford, 4s. For Trinity Church :- Miss Shaw, 2s. ; altar flower box, lis. 3d. Miss Archdeacon, 3s. ; Miss Hansen, 3s. * * * We record with great pleasure a valuable and a useful gift that was made to Holy Trinity Church for Easter by Mr T. Sherratt in memory of his mother, the late Mrs Sherratt, of 4, Penrhyn Crescent, Llandudno, consisting of a complete set of new cassocks for the choir. The gift included ten new cassocks for men and eighteen new cassocks for boys, all of which are of excellent material and workmanship.