PARISH MAGAZINE AARCH, 1906. LENT. We have already entered upon the season of Lent for this year, and the Church has during this period a special appeal to her children, and offers special opportunities for meditation, self-examination, and prayer. Of late there has been much to divert the minds of many from the highest aims of the inward and spiritual life, and the great mission of the Church in the world. There is before us a time which offers means of turning aside at times from the concerns ctf the world and to seek communion with what is higher, more peaceful, and we may add more permanent. We ask as many as can do so to avail them¬ selves of the special services which are pro¬ vided. There will be in addition to the usual daily services a series of services on Wednes¬ day and Friday mornings in St. George's and Holy Trinity Churches at 11 30 and 11 respectively, and there will be special preachers at the> Wednesday evening and Friday evening services. Amongst those who have kindly pro¬ mised to preach are Archdeacon Morgan, Canon H. Roberts, Colwyn Bay; Canon D. Jones, Pennr_,enmawr: the Revs. R. Jones, Gyffin; Robtrt Williams, and T. H. Richards. The Rev. J: Thomson Jones has kindly pro¬ mised to conduct the Three Hours' Service on Gcod Friday. * * * CONFIRMATION. The Lord Bishop of the Diocese has fixed Wednesday, April 11th, for the Confirmation Service an Llandudno, and those who wish to be confirmed are requested to send in their names without delay to one of the clergy of the parish, if they have not .done so already. Classes have been arranged for candidates, and special arrangements will be made for those who are not able to attend the ordinary classes. On Tuesday afternoon, the 20th of last month, Miss Bayfield Clark addressed the members of the Ladies' Mission Working Party and their friends in the Church House on mission work, and gave an interesting accdunt of the opera¬ tions in South India. There was a very good attendance, which was encouraging as shewing interest in mission work. The collection amounted to £1 12s. 6d., including a subscrip¬ tion of 5=. from Mrs Peers. ■ic -*• -*■ While we congratulate the Rev. R. 0. Jones, curate of this parish, on his appointment tot the curacy of Hallaton, Leicestershire, which is an important sphere of work and offers other valuable advantages, we have at the same time to express our resrret at his departure from Llandudno, where he has worked faithfully and successfully for the last four years. His many friends wish him and Mrs R. 0. Jones much success and happiness in their new home. * * * The Rev. John Hughes began his wcrk as one of the curates of the parish on Septuagesima Sunday. Mr J. Hughes was, after a successful College career, ordained Deacon by the Bishop of St. Asaph for the Bishop of BaneoT in 1901. and was ordained priest by the Bishop of Ban¬ gor in 1902. From 1901 until he came to Llan¬ dudno he was curate -of Barmouth, where his work was much appreciated. We wish him a successful career amongst us. * * * The many friends of Mr J. Broome. J.P., of Sunny Hill, Llandudno, will be very glad to learn that he is recovering from his very serious illness, and all hope that he wil] soon enjoy his usual good health again. * # * ST. GEORGE'S WELSH CHOIR. The St. George's Welsh Church Choir gave their annual concert in the National Schools,