PARISH MAGAZINE FEBRUARY, 1906. S.P.G. COLLECTIONS—1905. We give below the account of the Parochial oollections towards the Society for cue Pro¬ pagation of the Gospel, the premier Missionary Society of the< Church ol England. It reflects great credit upon ^the Parochial Secretary, Miss Daiton, that notwithstanding the addi¬ tional cads for subscriptions for special objects made upon the Churchpeople cf the parish during last year the octal amount collected to¬ wards the S.P.G. even exceeds the amount collected in the preceding year. District I.—Collector, Miss Shaw— Mrs© Keitland Holmes, Is.; Miss James, 2s.: Mrs Dukes, Is.; S L W, 6d.; L M Curlier, 5s.; L S Woodley, 2s. 6d.; L. A. Williams, Is.; E Eagle, Is.; Mr Conway, 2s.; Mrs Cnway, Is.; H E Bonnalie, 2s. 6d.; Mrs Shepherd, Is. 6d.: Mrs J. Walker, 2s. 6d.; Mrs Wyard, Is.; E. F. and E. B., 2s. Tbtal, £1 6s. 6d. District II.—Collector, Miss L. Dalton— Miss Matthews, 10s,; Mr Clay, Zs. fcid.; Mrs Marks, 2s. 6d.; Mrs J. Marks, 2s. 6d.; Mrs Holt, 2s.; Mrs Ulea, 2s.; Mrs Mather, 'is.; Mrs Elias Jones, 2s. 6d. ; Mrs Ridge, Is.; Mrs Pilkington, "2*. 6d.: Mrs Arkle, 5s.: Mrs Wills, 2s. 6d.; Miss Holmes, 2s. 6d.; Mrs Walton Evans, £1 Is. ; Dr. Dalton, 2s. 6d.; Mrs Under¬ wood, 3s.; Miss Wocd^ev, 5s.; Mrs Astley, 4s.: Miss R., Is.; Miss Williamson, 2s. 6d.; Mis;; Charnpnevs, 2s. 6d.; Mr and Mrs Harrington Cotton. 5s. Total, £4 6s. District III.—Collector, Miss Owen- Mrs Reeves Hughes,'2s. 6d.; Messrs C. and H. Brown, 2s. 6d.~; E. Owen and Sons, 2s. 6d.; W S Williams and Sons, 2s. 6d.; Mrs Stone, 2s. 6d.; Mrs' Margetts, 2s. 6d,; Dr Davies, 2s. 6d.; Mr Watterson, 2s. 6d; Mrs E. B. Jones, 2s. 6d.; Miss Davies (St. George), 2s. 6d.; Mts Woodhouse, 2s. 6d.; Mrs Sheldon, 2s. 6d.; Mt Harding, 2s. 6d.; Mr Winter, 2s.; Mr Mercer, 23. 6d.; Mr Bevan, Is.; Mr Luckman, Is.; Mr Cocker; Is.; Ma- Roberts, Is.; Miss B:wrabe„ Is.; Mr J. Smith, Is.; Mr Richmond, Is.; Mrs Eaton, Is.; Chatsworth, Is.; Mr Hcoson, Is.; Mr Baxnet. Is.; Mr Eantley. ^s.; Mr E 0 we a:, Is.; Mr Wyley, Is.; Mr Lot Williams, 2s.; Mrs Dunohy, 2s. Sd.; Mr Arnold, 2s. 6d. ;" Mr Adey Wells, 2s. 6d. Total, £3 0s. 6d. District IV.—Collector, Mrs Magiltonf Miss Stanought, 2s.; Mrs James, Is.; Mr J E Jones, 2s.; Mr R. D. Jones, Is. ; Mrs Smith, Is.; Mrs J, Jones, 2s.; Mrs Jones, 2s. : Mrs John Evans, Is.; Mrs Pitts, Is.: E. Ma-gilt on. Is. Total, £0 14s. 0d. District IV.—Collector, Mrs Magdltor1— Mrs Piatt, 2s.; Mrs Roberts, 2s.; Mrs Percy Walker, 2s.; Mt Brigg, 2s.: A. Campbell Blair, 2s.; Mrs Chamberlain, 2s. 6d.; Mr® Parker, 2s. 6d. Total, £0 15s. Od. Districts, £10 2s,; Mission Wording Party (cheque), £',; Harvest Collections, cheque (per Rev. Llewelyn Huehes-, £1? Total «27 P*t. , ' L'. DALTON, Haulfan,, ' ": ;■■■ ■'■' ' " ' ' Hon. Sec, * * # A be-a-utftiful set of six white Festiva" Book Markers worked in white, blue and gold, has been presented to Holy Trinity Church by Mrs Stanley RuiJseJ, in mem cry of her mother, the late Mrs Sherratt, of Penrhyn Crescent, Llan¬ dudno. THE NATIONAL* SCHOOLS. The prizes given by the Education Authori¬ ties of the Coun y to the successful candidates were presented in the National Schools on Friday aite'rncon, the 12th ult. by the Honble Mrs Henry Mcstyn. It was an interesting event, but unfortunarety with ad the children present, owing to lack of space, it was not practicable to send cut invitations to the friends of the school. We are glad t0 state that Mrs Wilson, of Eithinog, has wiih her usual kindness offered additional special prizes fcr the coming year, and she will also give a Tea to all the cniidren. The following subscriptions have been re¬ ceived during the past month towards the Naional Sehrols:—Mr Curt e;, 10s. 6d.; Mt Smith, 10s.; Mr Chamberlain, £1 Is.; Miss Hanmer, £\ Is. : Messrs R. Jones and Davies, 10s.; Mr Woodley, 10s,; Mrs Arkie, donation, £5 5s., and subscription, £2 2s. : Mr J. Littler, 10s. 6d.; Lord Mostyn, £15 15s.; Mrs Williams, Cambridge Restaurant, 10s.: Mrs Moores, 5s.; Mr L. M. Curtler, £3 3s. •* -* ■*■ The Parochial Tea and Entertainment were given in the Town Hall on Wednesday, the 17th ult., and this year there was a consider¬ able increase in the number of those who came to the tea and entertainment. The Tea was supplied bAr Mrs Williams, Cambridge Re¬ staurant. The Tea was good, and so was the entertainment, and best thanks are due to the ladies who contributed by subscriptions and presided or assisted at the tables, to The friends who acted as stewards, and especially tn those who sang and took part in the even¬ ing entertainment. RECEIPTS. Subscriptions as per list ...... 5 7 6 Sale of Tickers ............14 5 0 Sals of Programmes ...... ... 0 11 6 Tot.V ......... ... £20 4 0 EXPENDITURE. Hire of Town Hall....... ... 2 3 0 Hire cf Piano ........ ... 0 10 0 330 Teas at 7d.......... ... 9 12 6 Printing ............ ... 0 17 3 Sundries ............ ... 0 10 0 Porterage ... 0 2 0 Ba anee in hand ......... ... 6 9 3 Total ......... ... £20 £ 0 * * SUBSCRIPTIONS TOWARDS PAROCHIAL TEA. Mrs J. Walker, 2s. 6d.: Miss Walker, 2s. 6d.; Mrs Walton Evans, 2s'. 6d.; Miss Williamson, 2s. 6d.; Mrs Wilson, 10s.; Mrs Piatt, 2s. 6d.; Mrs Buckley, 2s. 6d;; Mrs Reeves Huehes, 10s. ; Mrs Healey, £1: Mrs Heyn. 2s. 6d.; Mrs Wood- house, 2s. 6d.; Miss MaTriot, 2s. 6d.; Mrs Con-