PARISH MAGAZINE JANUARY, 1906. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL. Our first word in the New Year must be the expression cf thanks to all who) have so faith¬ fully helped us to do our work in the past year. We have had many friends who liave worked together to maintain the large circulation of the magazine and to help forward its influence. During the past year we have given an account of the varied work of the Church in the Parish, and have endeavoured to enccurage every good cause in our midst, and the welcome given to cur numbers shews that there are many who appreciate the work We thank those who have contributed matter of interest from time to time, and those who have so regularly adver¬ tised in our columns, and very especially the faithful ones who have acted as distributers in the several districts. We trust that the blessing of the Great Head of the Church will be upon all who work in His cause during this present year, and that we may be led on by Him to¬ wards all that is good. * * * THE MAGAZINE ALMANAC. We are again able to make a little present to our subscribers. In addition to the extra Christmas Number we send with each magazine this month an Illustrated Almanac. The balance sheet will be published next month. Any information with regard to the magazine may be obtained by applying at the Rectory. « *£ 5C Y.M.C.A. During the last month effective steps have been taken with a view to the establishing in Llandudno a Branch of the Young Men's Christian Association. The advantages to young men of joining such an institution are very grea't, the most prominent being the oppor¬ tunities of social intercourse and recreation amidst ele-r.ting surroundings. The annual subscription is quite moderate, and we hope that many of our young men will join. All in¬ formation will be readily given by the local secretary, Mr H. Roberts, Roby House. ^ *t ' y. THE NATIONAL SCHOOLS. The following letter has been circulated: — "The Rectory, Llandudno, December, 1905. Dear Sir or Madam,—At the time of asking the friends of Religious Education in the Parish for their annual subscriptions towards the Church Schools, the Foundation Managers are anxious to draw attention to what has been done since the Schools came under the control of the County Education Authorities as Non- Provided Schools on September 30th, 1903. The Church Schools were always a matter of great concern to the Churchpeople of the Parish, special attention had been given to them and much money spent upon them, sc that at the appointed day they were in good condition. Nevertheless, after being surveyed by the County Authorities a long list of de¬ mands for expensive improvements was sent to the Managers as necessary to be done forth¬ with, and it is with great satisfaction that the Managers are able to state that all have been completed, although when the total cost is added up it approaches one thousand pounds. The alteration and improvements demanded by the Authorities at the National Schools, Church Walks, were completed during the sum¬ mer vacation at a cost of ever £250 to the Foundation Managers. The County Education Authority has notified its satisfaction with the alterations and improvements as carried out.. During the past year extensive additions and alterations were called for at Bodafcn Schools. Lady Augusta Mostyn generously undertook to carry them out at her sole expense, the work done has already cost her Ladyship over £300. St. Beuno School has been put in efficient working order, with new drainage and water supply, and no further demand with regard to this building is at present anticipated. It is a great satisfaction to be able to state that the high standard of both the Religious and Secular Education of the Schools has been maintained, and in each respect they com¬ pare favourably with any schools in the County. The Reports of the Government Inspector and the Diccesan Inspector of Religious Know¬ ledge have been uniformly excellent. In asking for the continuance of your kind support, the Managers des:re to point out that according to the final order under the last Education Act, the Foundation Managers are elected by the Subscribers, and that the mini-